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October 21st 2008 Security Conference Call

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Revision as of 17:24, 21 October 2008 by Suzannegw (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda)
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  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) Update to RBAC Privacy and Authorization Terminology Project Scope Statement v0 3
  4. (15 min) Vocabularies identified in October 14 meeting:

Goal is to use exisiting vocabulary for a POU, to allow/direct access to functional roles to an EHR or PHR. Extend vocabulary to make richer--how much richer? We need to figure out how to leverage and use them in security for authorization and support for consent directives. Less is more (MDavis opinion) Note: that many of the objects are clinically related and may be inappropriate for Patient use/Patient access.

Question: Additional vocabularies to be added later? i.e. Nursing taxonomy, or other clinical taxonomy

  • ICD-10 (or possibly ICD-11 which would be linked/mapped to SNOMED)
  • RadLex [] an ACR, RSNA recognized vocabulary

Use: When you get to procedures and procedure steps, inserting terminology, in a sense similiar to LOINC.

  1. (15 min) Decision Making Practices (see CBCC document as example CBCC Decison Making Practices)
  2. (5 min) Other Business

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