20080925 arb minutes
Attendees: Charlie Mead Mead walker Jane Curry Tony Julian - Scribe Dave Hammill John Koish
We need to get back review comments. We published to TSC, ARB, and Co-Chairs. Do we need to copy the publication location to specific lists? We are going to publish before next WGM.
John put out an e-mail to the soa list, and called for participation. He has gotten three or four who are interested.
We have discussed 3 OOC. October - get out heads around the SOA things - service classification. Get a very clear mapping document that everyone can understand about how Health Services Specifications Project (HSSP) maps to SAEAF. John is working on a reference implementation. November - F2F - need to finalize date. To finalize an polish the SAEAF document - may not be all done by the end of the meeting. December - First week of december - virtual meeting with all co-chairs to attend. Goal to socialize and discuss the SAEAF document.