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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20080924

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Return to Publishing Committee
Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 -- 4:00 PM Eastern


Beeler, Kreisler, Stechishin, Lloyd, Seppala


Current Ballot Cycle Info

Don agreed to distribute the CBCs to the list. Inquired as to when a list of new Project Scope statements could be available. Appears that tracking them on Insight is the best bet when?)

Getting Projects on Gforge and SVN

Gregg inquired. Recommended he seek these through Wilfred Bonney. Noted that there is no linkage between Project Insight projects and Gforge projects. Most specific committee (Work Group) projects are listed as just that a "Committee Project." Gforge projects can be linked to projects in SVN, but even there, a committee might have multiple SVN projects. [An SVN project is simply represented as a root level directory in the HL7 SVN hierarchy.]

Setting "standard" source control directories in SVN

Woody received a copy of what Lab uses and a recommendation from Lloyd McKenzie. These will be presented in future meetings for discussion and adoption.

Automated Ballot QA Reports

Reviewed some of the QA listings in Ballot report, as they affected the LB domain. This raised the following questions and observations:

  • QUESTION In the vocabulary Code Error report, you see the line displayed below. Why does the Generator assert ObservationValue code system here, when the constraint was to value set x_ActMoodOrdPrmsEvn?
  ObservationValue  EVN  ParameterItem.value  POLB_MT300000UV  LB  1  none
  • ToDo Drop POLB_MT001001UV from cmetInfo. It is no longer used
  • ToDo Investigate Binding failures of MCCI_RM000100 UV01 from publishing test shell
  • ToDo Seek to improve reproting in the Failed interactions table. At minimum, show which binding pair fails.


Status of tools for next ballot cycle is:

  • PubDb - no change
  • RoseTree - use latest 4.2.16
  • RMIM Designer - latest, but note that Lloyd McKenzie has reported an error that may cause new release. In that circumstance, include an "automatic" or batch update for existing designs.
  • Design repository - Use latest, but a further release with RIM 2.22 is expected after the Vocabulary catch-up project completes.
  • Facilitators Desktop Continue to use latest as:
    • Current release still has simplistic instructions
    • Changes in the Generator are anticipated, and will cause a new release of this tool.
    • Will definitely update the instructions and Ballot QA report for this tool.
    • Will add the QA Report Generator to this as a standard part of build process
  • V3Generator - There will be a release 3.1.8 that fixes problems with associations to choices in "edge cases" (per Lloyd McKenzie)

Adjourned at 5:05 PM EDT

Future Business

  1. SVN Repository Structure
  2. Ballot QA Report
  3. Facilitator's Desktop