Application (RPS)
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This page provides a list of Definitions for the RPS project. RPS Definitions are suffixed with "(RPS)" to avoid confusion with other projects' definitions on this Wiki.
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RPS Application
This is a Glossary page
R1 Working Definition
Collection of related Regulatory Activities (RPS1 "Submissions").
ICH Equivalent
Reglatory Application - A collection of submissions that are grouped together for regulatory purposes, and are usually specific to a particular device, food or feed additive or biopharmaceutical substance.
For example, the marketing application for a drug product can generate multiple regulatory decisions. The first decision may support the initial marketing approval of the product for a specific indication. Subsequent regulatory decisions may approve or deny additional indications for the drug product. The application thus contains multiple submissions, each with their own regulatory action.
NOTE: Over time, an application will typically consist of multiple submissions and regulatory assessments