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V2 Lengths
Revision as of 12:45, 4 August 2008 by Grahamegrieve (talk | contribs)
- long controversy concerning lengths
- lack of clarity concerning what we are trying to do
- problem of the back door
- stop reporting lengths on complex types
- value is increasingly difficult to determine
- value is specific to vertical bar representation
- value is useless and misleading
- only define lengths for primitive types (ST etc)
- only report lengths were the context of use has different rules to definition of type
- differentiate between authoritative lengths and arbitrary lengths
- some lengths are authoritative
- codes fixed by HL7
- segment/field references
- realm fixed value in a realm specific message
- authoritative lengths are fixed and normative - may not be violated
- systems must support valid data that they encounter
- some lengths are arbitrary - any particular length is wrong
- lengths of codes and names, address parts
- Do not make normative rules. But some length guidance is still useful
- so provide a "conformance length": the minimum length that must be supported
- conformance length offers a degree of predictability without preventing real world problems being solved
- add support for truncation pattern
- truncation behaviour exists in the wild
- it works better if systems are able to communicate about truncation
- truncation allows this.
- truncation pattern is not required
- some content (identification, clinical descriptions) are not allowed to be truncated
- some data type specific truncation rules (numbers, dates)