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Apr 1, 2008, 4 PM EST

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Pharmacy SIG Conference Call

Tuesday 1 April 2008 9pm BST

Attendees: Rob Hallowell (chair) John Hatem Julie James Hugh Glover

Agenda Review

  • Ballot process
  • Harmonization Meeting (Hugh and/or Tom will attend by phone)
  • Action item list
  • Agenda for Summer WGM in Phoenix
  • AOB
  • Ballot Processes

Rob has followed through with all his ballot tasks; we need to have sent out “requests for retraction” in order to be able to re-ballot., so even though we have not had all the replies, this is not a problem for this ballot cycle. There was discussion of the new balloting process, flowing from the revised bylaws and Governance and Operations Manual (GOM) mean you should look at the ballot materials soon... All HL7 members must register for the ballot pool 2 weeks BEFORE the ballot closes. In future ballot rounds for a given document, only those in the previous rounds ballot pool will be allowed to vote -- this is to prevent scope drift as new balloters enter the frame, and was recommended by ANSI - but does mean that if you want to vote on a document you MUST be in the initial ballot pool There will be no new committee ballots -- standards will normally be balloted as DSTU, but some, such as V2.7 and the "Core Principles and Properties of HL7 Version 3 Models" are going straight to normative ballot. This is a substantial change to previous practice which has significant impact to the way a standard is developed and appears not to be widely known or understood by the membership. Rob will contact Don Lloyd to get clarification on this. In order to ballot this cycle, folk must have signed up to the appropriate ballot pool(s) 2 weeks prior to the closure of the ballot (15th April in this cycle).

  • Harmonisation Meeting

Hugh, Tom and Julie attended this by phone today. The SBADM proposal was first on the agenda, and the conference call phone was not working at that point – we were all joining on the basis of Woody’s cell phone - so Patrick Loyd put the proposal forward. The PHER folk raised the issue of relationship to Exposure, which was resolved by a slight amendment to the proposal. As a result of the proposed change, the sequence of the attributes in the schemas will change, which has some significance but was not felt to be a show-stopper. The proposal then passed 11:1:0 Gunther had two proposals – a minor amendment to the Basis of Strength proposal which was accepted, and a request for a new concept domain for “equivalence”. This proposal needed some working to make the concept domain definition international, which can then be used to bind the specific FDA value set to this, for SPL. It is likely that this will become a work item for the Phoenix WGM. Harmonisation proposals have now finished.

  • Action Item List

The Action List is not yet on Subversion; it will go up at the next WGM.

  • Agenda for Summer WGM – Phoenix

Tom has sent out the proposed Agenda Hugh suggested adding a quarter for Subversion training, Monday Q1, so that everyone possible can use the application during the week. The vocabulary issues in the Medication Model need working; these could be addressed in the joint session with the Vocabulary TC. We need a Substance Administration CMETs discussion – Monday Q3 – so that we can work on them during the week. Rob will update a copy of the Agenda and have it ready for review next week.

  • AOB

John asked if anyone knew how one could trace the changes that have been made to each of the RIM versions. No-one on the call had an idea on this; this information appears not to be readily available. Hugh has had a quick look at the ballot, and it would appear that the CMET drawings in the Medication Domain are not the ones that have the “fixes” in them. We may also be missing the attribute documentation on the RMIMs. It may be that the content of the on-line ballot is different from the download. Rob will contact Don Lloyd to clarify on this.

Agenda for Next Call

  • Follow up on Ballot issues
  • Agenda for Summer WGM in Phoenix
  • Vocabulary for the Medication Model (if we have the energy)