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201901 EBMonFHIR

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Track Name


Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Orientation Video for the last connectathon, a lot of major changes to the resources were made since then.

For a more recent orientation please watch these four videos:

Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group

Clinical Decision Support WG


This is the second connectathon of the EBMonFHIR project. Implementers need to work together to confirm ability to share the most basic element of "Summary of Findings" reports used heavily across systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines. At the last Connectathon we created 4 resources (Evidence, EvidenceVariable, EffectEvidenceSynthesis, RiskEvidenceSynthesis) to meet this goal but found implementers not present found it confusing to implement.

We learned the need to make Profiles and perhaps an Implementation Guide and will focus the time on simpler implementations of the same basic use cases.

The EBMonFHIR project page can be found at

Introduction to EBMonFHIR

Clinical input requested

Not needed but clinicians may find the Evidence-Based Medicine concepts being developed of high interest and clinicians helped improve the model at the last connectathon.

Related tracks

CDS Hooks and Clinical Reasoning tracks are likely to have overlap of interested parties but are not ready to be combined at this stage.

Proposed Track Lead

Brian Alper balper (at) brian.alper

See Connectathon_Track_Lead_Responsibilities

Expected participants

EBSCO Health


MedSide Healthcare


potential participants from Europe - Cochrane, Duodecim, MAGIC, EvidencePrime


Please include information here regarding how much advance preparation will be required if creating a client and/or server.

Evidence Reporter

Transmit a summary of findings from medical research.

Evidence Consumer

Receive a summary of findings from medical research.


Share Summary of Findings data between two evidence reporting systems

Action: The Evidence Reporter will transmit a Summary of Findings table as a collection of one Evidence resource (Synthesis profile) and multiple EvidenceVariable, EffectEvidence and RiskEvidence resources; and the Evidence Consumer will receive it and reproduce the Summary of Findings table in their system's format.
Precondition: None
Success Criteria: The data displayed in the Summary of Findings results in the format of the Evidence Consumer is consistent with the results of the Evidence Reporter.
Bonus point: Bonus #1 can be sharing reference citations in a form that can be reproduced between systems. Bonus #2 can be developing a Recommendation profile to determine variations needed when the Evidence Consumer is a guideline developer.


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