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November 19, 2018 GDPR whitepaper on FHIR call

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Revision as of 15:43, 19 November 2018 by Alexander Mense (talk | contribs)
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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
. John Moehrke Security Co-chair . Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair . Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Trish Williams Security Co-chair
. Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair . David Pyke CBCP Co-Chair . Giorgio Cangioli . Joe Lamy
. Peter van Liesdonk . [mailto: ] . [mailto: ] . [mailto: ]

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  1. (5 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. (10 min) Presentation Proposal "Purpose of Processing" (Peter) (link:
  3. (20 min) Harmonization discussion - PoU vs. Purpose of Processing
  4. (10 min) IPS uses case - current state (Georgio)
  5. (5 min) Reminder - open issues from WGM, still to be addressed:

Are update events to be reported in a transparency report? Depth of Provenance

Operations: Graham poposes to define an erasure operation that takes a Patient or Person. It returns rejected. Success. Or partial success.... (question: is there a need for it to report what it deleted? Or what it didn't? Nevertheless, it does need to report external recipients)

Is there a need for a Operation for transparency: i.e. a search on AuditEvents?

Do we need a CapabilityStatement like resource that describes server data retention rules. Possibly useful for client too to state the client need.

We might need to address Break-Glass as a healthcare safety mechanism.


Harmonization proposal:

Link to Confluence page:

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)