November 6, 2018 Security Conference Call
x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||
x | John Moehrke Security Co-chair | x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair | x | Alexander Mense Security Co-chair | . | Trish Williams Security Co-chair | |||
x | Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb | x | Mike Davis | . | David Staggs | |||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga | . | Johnathan Coleman | . | Francisco Jauregui | . | Joe Lamy | |||
. | Theresa Ardal Connor | . | Greg Linden | . | Grahame Grieve | . | Dave Silver | |||
. | Beth Pumo | x | Jim Kretz | . | Peter Bachman | . | Bo Dagnall |
- (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
- (2 min) Review and Approval of Minutes October 30, 2018
- (2 min) Update on revision of PASS Audit - reconcilation is ready for upload - Mike
- (30 min) Review of Final Security Harmonization proposals
- Submission deadline at 12AM ET 11/6. Harmonization meeting scheduled for 11/8 & 11/9 from 12PM to 6PM ET.
- Policy Vocabulary spreadsheet
- Policy proposal
- Adding the v3 Policy codes to HL7 v2 Table 0717 for security labeling
- (5 min) GDPR whitepaper on FHIR Update - Alex
- No FHIR Security call update - John sends his regrets
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Chair - Kathleen
Meeting Minute approval for 10/30 Discussion/ updates to be made - add count to vote under DS4P (Suzanne / Joe L) object/abstain: none approval:
- unknown if ballot reconciliation sheet was ever uploaded to ballot site
- if it hasn't, it needs to (Mike/Diana/Kathleen - need to decide plan of action to review)
- unsure if withdrawals have been requested
- approximately 50 of the comments had been addressed; to the best of knowledge nothing has been done since then
- DaveS - thought Mike had said that reconciliation is done is to request to withdraw negative votes
- Kathleen's understanding was we were waiting on updates to the document
Harmonization proposals - tonight is final proposals nneed to be in
- we have reviewed them all earlier
- additional CUIs need to be added per Kathleen (specific to the portion marking in the print name code
- only a slight variation/change is needed to correct
- reviewed a spreadsheet instead of word document
- banners do not have parenthesis around them, but when you go to the portion marking, there are and a differnt CUI marking is needed) as shown under 'Marking Multiple Pages'
- additional CUIs need to be added per Kathleen (specific to the portion marking in the print name code
- additional issue -
- under RoseTree, xml used in version 3 if you look at code system; under _ActCodeSystem
- SecurityPolicy(security Polcy)
- adding privacy marker; one for CUI, second for security labeling mark - alked about last week. These are marks that you display which may be in the descritipn (i.e. confidential, high water mark; 42CFR42, etc)
- under RoseTree, xml used in version 3 if you look at code system; under _ActCodeSystem
<<add link to harmonization proposal>> Proposal has been reviewed by co-sponsor Patient Administration - they have reviewed the presented and final.
Motion to approval as presented (Suzanne/Theresa) with addition of CUI changes Opposed: none: abstention: none; Kathleen will submit today (tonight) with additional CUI changes
GPR Peter started discussion with POU which fits very nicely with current POU defiitnon
- there is a difference in POU and purpose of processing
- Peter is currently working (in company for porosal for possible codes to better define purpose of processing
- Peter is trying to mesh of POU in Europe - some of the items do not make sense when applied to purpose of processing; based on purpose i.e. law, xx or xx (is this policy?)
- (Kathleen) There is abranch that is not healthcare specific which may be helpful to look at
- Peter ) something they need
next GDPR call in two weeks - we will dsicss proposal; come up with harmonized list and send out to Security and European group to spread out to their organizations and get feeback
- one of the use cases will be from national summary? (from Giorgio)
- one will be from John...(add description) care plan, care plan track
- next call on NOvember 19 - at noon Eastern on Monday
- NOte: MiHIN is willing to join in the Montréal Connectathon
- finished storyboard in June, people involved in SLS, consent will also be involved in January and in May.
Meeting adjorned at 1:44 Arizona Time --Suzannegw (talk) 15:46, 6 November 2018 (EST)