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MnM Minutes CC 20181030

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M&M Conference Call 4:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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  • Lloyd McKenzie - chair
  • Ron Shapiro - scribe
  • Jean Duteau
  • Grahame Grieve


  • FHIR Harmonization Proposal
  • Projects
  • PSS review
  • Mission and Charter

FHIR Harmonization Proposal

  • FHIR-I Harmonization Proposal - Fix PurposeOfUse ValueSet
    • updated to reference ActReason code 'PurposeOfUse' as a 'specialized' code
    • Approved: Jean Duteau/Grahame Grieve: 3-0-0


  • Project #1283 Reaffirm HL7 Verson 3 Standard: Data Types - Abstract Specification, R2
    • Status: Normative - Reconcile
    • Reaffirmation passed without any negative comments
    • will send email to request the project be closed
  • Project #1152 Re-Ballot Release 2 of 'Core principles of V3 Models' - a limited scope update
    • Status: Normative - Notify
    • Ballot passed
    • will send email to request the project be closed
  • Project #887 CMET Clean Up Work
    • status: On Hold
    • waiting on Dave and Andy to complete
    • will send email to request this project be closed or next milestone updated

PSS Review

  • Reveiwed the 11 PSSs currently being EVoted in Infrastructure Steering Division
    • discussion about SOA Cross Paradigm Model Transformation Service PSS
      • MnM is worried about duplication of efforts
      • since the PSS is for an Informative artifact, decided this was a non-issue
  • after discussion, the consensus is to vote affirmative on all of them
  • OO HL7 V2-to-FHIR PSS MnM Co-Sponsorship
    • [PSS]
    • MnM will co-sponsor and request periodic project updates at WGM or as appropriate
    • Approved: Jean Duteau/Ron Shapiro: 3-0-0

Mission and Charter

  • reviewed and updated
  • document to be uploaded to [MnM web page]
  • Approved: Ron Shapiro/Jean Duteau: 3-0-0

Next Call

  • Nov 20 (after FHIR Dev Days)


16:44 Eastern