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CCD Errata

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 22:47, 5 February 2008 by Rhdolin (talk | contribs)
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Section 3.12 Vital Signs

  • Section 3.12.2 contains a sentence "Vital signs are represented like other results (as defined in section 3.13 Results), with additional vocabulary constraints", which should be changed to "Vital signs are represented like other results (as defined in section 3.13 Results)".

Section 5.5 Terminology Conformance

  • Table 18 shows an incorrect codeSystem OID for ICD9CM. The incorrect value in the table is "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1". The correct value is "2.16.840.1.113883.6.103".

Section 7.1 Sample

  • The sample instance incorrectly asserts a null value for informant / assignedEntity / id, which is mandatory and therefore cannot be null.
  • The sample instance contains an incorrect representation of Guarantor, and the following snippet should be removed:

<participant typeCode="IND"> <associatedEntity classCode="GUAR"> <id root="4ff51570-83a9-47b7-91f2-93ba30373141"/> <addr> <streetAddressLine>17 Daws Rd.</streetAddressLine> <city>Blue Bell</city> <state>MA</state> <postalCode>02368</postalCode> </addr> <telecom value="tel:(888)555-1212"/> <associatedPerson> <name> <given>Kenneth</given> <family>Ross</family> </name> </associatedPerson> </associatedEntity> </participant>

  • The CCD rendering style sheet incorrectly renders the above snippet as the Guardian. Per CONF-109 ("A patient guardian SHALL be represented with ClinicalDocument / recordTarget / patientRole / patient / guardian"), the style sheet should look to ClinicalDocument / recordTarget / patientRole / patient / guardian for rendering guardian information.