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Negation Requirements Project Minutes 15 August 2018

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Meeting Information

HL7 PC-CIMI-POC Meeting Minutes

Location: PC call line

Date: 2018-08-15
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

y Jay Lyle JP Systems
Yanyan Hu Joint Commission
y Senthil Nachimuthu 3M
y Ken Lord VA
y Rob Hausam IMO
Ben Hamlin NCQA
y Lisa Nelson
Emma Jones Allscripts
y George Dixon Allscripts
Michelle Miller Cerner
y Michael Padula Cerner
y Stephen Chu Joint Commission


Agenda Topics

  1. review
    1. family history generic, including no history of x: George


  • Review of minutes from 7/25
  1. case 1 Clinical use. Specific. Intended time important for missed repeating dose.
    1. got 8:00 & 4:00 but not 12:00 dose.
  2. case 2 quality measure
    1. Use encounter time (not given during encounter)?
    2. Or quality rule parameter (not given in accordance with rule; e.g., within 4 hours of presentation)
    3. Quality team is looking for a reason. date and time not important to receiver
    4. some facilities will include even out-of-spec data, e.g., 5 hours
      1. some won't
  3. case 3 timeframe of Reason?
    1. hearing screening not performed; patient in incubator
      1. does incubator time have to cover encounter time or rule-defined time?
      2. probably an audit function; not main process
      3. Quality team: all data may be in QRDA, but if reason applies within timeframe, it's a pass
  4. case 4: Documentation time for statusReason?
    1. hard to see a rationale. can be reconstructed from Resource.Meta.lastUpdated
  5. can we test these?
    1. i.e., put into the spreadsheet comparison format
    2. and then query live data? maybe Phase II.
  6. Out of time; will review 8/1 next week, then smoking status.

Meeting Outcomes

  • stakeholders interested in completion, secure resources
  • review posted document draft, examples

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

Agenda for 8/1:

  • tbd

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