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June 26, 2018 CBCP Conference Call
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Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP) Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
Dial-in Number: (515) 604-9861; Access Code: 429554 * International Dial-in Numbers: * Online Meeting Link: * Click on Join an Online Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID: cbhs * Follow prompts if not automatically connected
Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||||
x | Johnathan ColemanCBCP Co-Chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCP Co-Chair | x | Jim Kretz CBCP Co-Chair | x | David Pyke CBCP Co-Chair | ||||
. | Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair | x | Mike Davis | . | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | x | Diana Proud-Madruga | ||||
x | Chris Shawn | . | Neelima Chennamaraja | x | Joe Lamy | . | Greg Linden | ||||
x | Irina Connelly | . | Saurav Chowdhury | . | Dave Silver | x | Francisco Jauregui | ||||
x | [mailto:] | . | Amber Patel | x | Becky Angeles | . | Jennifer Brush | ||||
. | Mohammad Jafari | . | Ali Khan | . | Ken Salyards | . | [mailto: ] | ||||
. | David Staggs | x | [1] | . | Ioana Singureanu | x | Beth Pumo |
- Roll Call, Agenda Review
- Meeting Minutes approval: June 12, 2018
- FHIR CPs for review
- FHIR Consent CPs are located: link to ALL Consent Change requests
- eLTSS Update - Irina / Becky
- eLTSS gForge folder:
- Latest PSS posted to gForge TEFT eLTSS Supplemental ATL F2F
- FHIR Security Project Update - Johnathan / John Moehrke
- Weekly meeting on Tuesday - 2 PM Eastern
-; Phone Number: +1 515-604-9567. Participant Passcode: 880898
Meeting Minutes DRAFT
June 19 - Meeting minutes reviewed
- Motion made to approve (Suzanne / Johnathan)
- Abstain: none; Opposed: none;
- zero cPs
- one cp needs to be compelted, changing a name of one of the serarch itesm
- others need to be marke as invalid or need to be discussed at the FM group
- having spoken to the FM group and others, we need to start some kind of way to give a pth from moving fromt he FHIR contract profile from the consenet prifle, to the consent profile itself (it's currently out of date.
- as such there are a number of implementation that are using the older version as their study
- we need a path / direction to move them to the new to the FHIr contract profile
- importance of maiting the pints of the 'contract' that are enforceable for interability state, but are not considered part of the 80%
- path to brign them up to STU4 which has the consent resource
- need to elarn what cababilitys int he contract.. and why they went with contract an dnot consent
- let's move is easy to say, but may have financan, operations,e tc implemcaitons to those who are using the older vesrsion.
- issue those working with FHIr STU2 (consent resource is not in STU2)
- including ARgonaut, Commonwell
- contract profies a way for the patinte to get ack from the parties that sign consent--how htye will be handles, when we have consent as a form, this tends to be handled as this is thepatients reuest' if we can/cannot approve...
- discussion
- bigger question: not just from a consent/contact potision.. what will it take to have people go from STU2 to STU4 --not just about switching 'resource consent module' that's the bigger question.
- Johnathan/MikeD agreen
- anticipating the convestsions; granular consent pilots that are using contract, it has to be part of the STU2 to STU4 conversation
- this is above the CBCP WG; we will need to monitor the convestaion with the bigger picture in mind
- deprecate moving forward not removing entirely from sTU
- suggestion: is to bring the contract aspects into the consent. brings usmore to a level of equivalency--roughly equivalent. transition sense we can have an overlap;
- problem there hasnt' been any modification since 2014; and stopped at STU3, no coments, or changes and is a DSTU artifact (STU2); ther eis no contract(?) as of STUF4; we need to create a plan as they molve up the STUs and make normative--we need to work out the needs, what part of the contract can be offloade and linked back; not everhting needs to be in the consent resource, etc
- if peole are still using STU2... (17:02)
- Dave sending out a doodle poll to constinue the convesations/meeting to progress (including how FHIR-I, versioning, moving from STU2 to STU4 and FHIR consent vs FHIR contract moving forward
- also adding the FHIR-I list (Lloyd, Graham)
- we have also taken over FHIR contract, so those folk also need to be part of the conversation (Paul Knapp, Kathleen) to be included
elTSS - Irina
- will need to engage with items involing contarct
- David and Irina to review use cases
- produced a newer white paper draft, including section 4--overgive of goals objectives; why the project was initiations and hwt they are trying to accomplish
- appendices, mapping themselves of eltss to FHIR standards (still getting tweaks, and will be included int he document)
===feedback needed=== by end of week July 13
- next version addting section 5 - narrative discussion of what is in the mappings;
sections 6 mention of oter various items that need to be mentioned, referenced and/or out of scope, expect to be out mid-july
- will continue to adjust until final content deadline
- universal vs US reals
- adjusted dates
- explanation of involvemdnt with CMS, (they are exemplary...not thetc...
- updates should be made directly to the PSS, resend to Melva
- Bonnie - after get passed PSS,
- need a project number (post PSPS acceptance) a NIB will be sent
- will we meet the intent to ballot for September? maybe once PSS approved, we can get the rest out pretty quick, will also need to push up to TSC
- remind Melva the Intent is to ballot in September.
FHIR Securiy update
Meeting today to go over 8 CPs,
- reviewed over document in its entirety... all CPs entered
- 2:00 PM Et today
- leave agenda item on for now
additional agenda items?
Motin to adjorn (JOhnathan)