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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20180604
Revision as of 19:14, 11 June 2018 by Michael donnelly (talk | contribs) (→Attendees: spelling my name :))
FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)
Return to FHIR Infrastructure Minutes
- Approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 05/28
- Lloyd McKenzie (chair-initial, scribe)
- Ewout Kramer (chair-remainder)
- Jeff Danford
- Josh Mandel
- John Moehrke
- Louis Bedor
- Nathan Bunker
- Rick Geimer
- Rob Hausam
- Joe Lamey
- Michael Donnelly
- Srikarthikeyan Prisanthi
- Grahame Grieve
Joined late
- Ewout Kramer
- Yunwei Wang
- Eric Haas
Minutes approval
- Motion to approve Minutes Prior Meeting on 05/28 - Josh/Louis: 11-0-0
Block Vote
Block vote Grahame/Rick: 7-0-4
Tracker Items
- [16949] - Persuasive
Yunwei joins, Ewout joins and takes over chair role
- [16480] - Not persuasive
- [16466] - Persuasive
- [16458] - Persuasive w/ Mod
- [16447] - Persuasive
- [16438] - Persuasive w/ Mod
- [16436] - Persuasive w/ Mod
- [16434] - Persuasive
Rick, Nathan, Louis leave Eric joins
- [16414] - Will look to have Grahame, John and others work on this
- [16428] - Persuasive
- [15569] - Not Persuasive
Josh leaves
- [13089] - Transferred to MnM
Grahame leaves
- [16115] - Persuasive w/ mod