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MnM Minutes WGM 201805 Cologne

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MnM 2018 May Cologne WGM Minutes

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Mon Q3 - Future of V3

  • Non Quorate (none in attendance)

Mon Q4 - Joint w/ FHIR-I - Workflow

Wed Q1 Joint w/ Vocab & FHIR-I

Wed Q2 Joint w/ Vocab

Wed Q3 FHIR QA Criteria & trackers


  • Lloyd McKenzie (chair)
  • Ron Shapiro (scribe)
  • Grahame Grieve
  • Jeff Danford
  • Chris Melo
  • Bertil Reppen


  • FHIR Data type and methodology issues
  • GF#16874 Chris Melo should we allow exponential forms in decimal?
  • GF#16297 Lloyd Mckenzie should we define a more concise form for money? (and related issues for duration and distance)

Tracker Items

  • 16874 - Consistent use of canonical units and scientific notation would simplify machine interpretation. - 2018-May Core Norm Infrastructure #10 - Persuasive
  • 16297 - Money profile is too heavy - Persuasive with Mod
  • 15977 - FHIR Best Practices Documentation - Persuasive

Thu Q5 - Roundtable

Discussion of cross-WG issues