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CDA Narrative to html mapping
Revision as of 05:40, 8 May 2018 by GrahameGrieve (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Intro = = Elements = * br = br * caption = ? * col = col * colgroup = colgroup * content = span with attributes * footnote = ? * footnoteRef = ? * item = li * linkHtml = a...")
- br = br
- caption = ?
- col = col
- colgroup = colgroup
- content = span with attributes
- footnote = ?
- footnoteRef = ?
- item = li
- linkHtml = a
- list(listType=ordered) = ol
- list(listType=unordered) = ul
- paragraph = p
- renderMultiMedia =
- sub = sub
- sup = sup
- table = table
- tbody = tbody
- td = td
- tfoot = tfoot
- th = th
- thead = thead
- tr = tr
- ID = id
- IDREF = ?
- abbr = abbr
- align = align
- axis = axis
- border = border
- cellpadding = cellpadding
- cellspacing = cellspacing
- char = char
- charoff = char
- colspan = colspan
- frame = frame
- headers = headers
- href = href
- language = lang
- listType = n/a
- mediaType = n/a
- name = name
- referencedObject = ?
- rel = rel
- rev = rev
- revised = ?
- rowspan = rowspan
- rules = rules ?CSS
- scope = scope
- span = colspan
- styleCode = style
- summary = summary
- title = title
- valign = valign
- width = width