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March 20, 2018 CBCP Conference Call

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Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP) Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information

Dial-in Number:  (515) 604-9861;  Access Code: 429554
* Online Meeting Link:  
* Click on Join an Online Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID:  cbhs 
* Follow prompts if not automatically connected

Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes

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Call Recording:

Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCP Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCP Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCP Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCP Co-Chair
. Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis . John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga
. Mohammed Jafari . Ali Khan . Ken Salyards . Ken Sinn
. David Staggs . Steve Eichner . Ioana Singureanu . Beth Pumo
. Chris Shawn . Neelima Chennamaraja . Joe Lamy . Greg Linden
x Irina Connelly . Saurav Chowdhury x Dave Silver x Francisco Jauregui
. Patricia Peretz . Amber Patel . Becky Angeles . Jennifer Brush

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  1. Roll Call, Agenda Review
  2. (5 min) CBCP FHIR THURSDAY call at 1:00 ET // FHIR Consent Directive Project Wiki, Main page
  3. FHIR Security Project Update - Johnathan
  4. (10 min) Security and Privacy DAM - update, discussion Meeting weekly on Thursdays 11:00 AM ET Meeting Link:
  5. January 2018 CBCP Working Group Meeting - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) Meeting Recording Link: (temporary)


  • Meetings are on hold while build is being balloted
  • CP review:
    • Currently the 5 codes are being captures (collect, access, use, disclose, correct)
    • *'use' implies access but it is not clear
    • suggesting corrections CP 15784
    • Hierarchical codes to be placed in proper hierarchy
      • Do we need to make these changes (or just update the way they are displayed)?
      • Does 'disclose' mean view
      • read, write, update, delete are usually used in databases (this list is different)
        • as before we are not deleting anything; maybe update to reflect correct definition
    • access needs to be on its own; access/use and disclose should be on its own
    • (Question will be sent to CBCP and Security WG lists for comment (David to do)
  • other issues in gForge are based on STU3; one requires a Use case
    • currently working on STU4

Security Privacy Update - Johnathan

  • Met 5PM ET Tuesday (Day/Time may be changing due to low attendance)
    • looked at pages as they are and the high level of the SP best practices API
    • saw some overlaps and synergy and where they may be opoortunities to improve
  • takeaway was to read the document and come back with incorporation possibilities
    • low hanging fruit from ONC document an dsee if we can walk through to make the SP changes
    • very, very low hangin fruit was to place a link to the ONC document
  • meeting briefly today to see if those updates have occurred.
    • a doodle poll was sent out, unsure if meeting time has changed for today.

Security and Privacy DAM

  • No update

Approving meeting minutes

  • February 13 - fixes or changes? (none noted)
    • Jim/Suzanne - accept as written
    • Vote: abstention: none; objections: none; approved: 8
  • February 20 - updates? (
    • Jim/Suzanne
    • Vote: abstentions: none; objections: none; approved 8
  • February 27 - NIB = notice of intent to ballot
    • Jim/Suzanne
  • Vote: abstentions: none; objections: none; approved: 8

PSS - Irina Trying to get on OO agenda - so far not successful

  • Asking for OO as co-sponsor on PSS
  • still working on updating the mapping FHIR and CDA sides which will be published
  • face-to-face meeting this week, will circulate notes and update current document version

Motion to adjourn (Jim/Johnathan); meeting adjorned at 9:30AM PST