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OO CR191 - Change OBX-2 Condition Predicate

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Revision as of 20:42, 8 March 2018 by Riki merrick (talk | contribs)
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Submitted by: Riki Merrick Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: 27-Jan-2018 Change request ID: HL7 CR dB ID#860
Standard/IG: Standard Artifact ID, Name: <<Artifact ID, Name>>


See File:OBX-2 ConditionPRedicateChange.docx for problem definition and proposal - can track version history.




Recommended Action Items

20180129 -

  • Option A if Backwards Compatibility is an issue shrinking the value set. - Definition: This field defines the data type of OBX-5, Observation Value. If OBX-5, Observation Value, is valued then OBX-2, Value Type, must always be valued. When OBX-5, Observation Value, is not valued, OBX-2 Value Type typically represents a data type used to value the observation expressed in OBX-3, Observation Identifier. See HL7 Table 0125 – Value Types for valid values, except for CQ, ID, and IS data types.
    • Condition: This field is required if OBX-11-Observation result status is not valued with an "X".
  • Option B if Backwards Compatibility is not an issue shrinking the value set. - Definition: This field defines the data type of OBX-5, Observation Value. If OBX-5, Observation Value, is valued then OBX-2, Value Type, must always be valued. When OBX-5, Observation Value, is not valued, OBX-2 Value Type typically represents a data type used to value the observation expressed in OBX-3, Observation Identifier. See HL7 Table 0125 – Value Types for valid values, except for CQ, ID, and IS data types.
    • Condition: This field is required if OBX-5, Observation Value, is valued.
  • Motion to forward both options to InM with the understanding that the work group prefers Option “B”. against: 0, abstain: 0, in favor 7

Email from INM: So from INM perspective would changing the CP to IF OBX-5 is populated break backwards compatibility? Answer = No.
