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OO CR195 - OBX Data Absent Reason
Revision as of 16:36, 8 March 2018 by Riki merrick (talk | contribs)
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Submitted by: Riki Merrick | Revision date: <<Revision Date>> |
Submitted date: 27-Jan-2018 | Change request ID: HL7 CR dB ID#859 |
Standard/IG: Standard | Artifact ID, Name: <<Artifact ID, Name>> |
See File:OBX DataAbsentReason.docx for problem definition and proposal - can track version history. Latest version is on dB:
Recommended Action Items
20180129 - Motion to accept as updated go through harmonization to insure version 2 can use existing absent reason values. Against 0; Abstain 0; In-Favor 7
20180129 - New motion to change new field name to “Observation Value Absent Reason” Against 0; Abstain 0; In-Favor 7