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Composite KNART 20180222
Revision as of 22:51, 21 February 2018 by Lconstab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Return to Clinical Decision Support Work Group Return to Project Page == Agenda == # Roll Call # A...")
Return to Clinical Decision Support Work Group
Return to Project Page
- Roll Call
- Agenda Review
- Housekeeping
- Content Topics
- KAS schema triggers elements
- Activation within Composition - continued
- explicit activation on generation of event
- binding
- chained orders
- other perspectives - orchestration, ...
- Future Meetings
- Lifecycle Management
- Scope of Identifiers
- Comparison of Compound Structures in FHIR
- Intra-knart referencing
- Relationship of HeD KNART and FHIR Clinical Reasoning as Languages within API4KP framework