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2018-02-11 Rx Conf Call
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- Jean Duteau (Chair/Scribe)
- Scott Robertson
- Hugh Glover
- Michelle Miller
- Stephen Chu
- Patrick Werner
- Rich Boyce
Agenda Items and notes
PSS Review and Approval
- The PSS was displayed, Rich Boyce went over the details, and Pharmacy approved becoming a co-sponsor of this project with both regular updates from the project team and a review of the content prior to balloting. Scott/Rich: 6-0-0
International Patient Summary PSS
- The PSS was reviewed and discussed. It appears that Pharmacy is becoming a co-sponsor after the project has started. The project has balloted a CDA IGuide twice at the STU level. The next set of ballots will be FHIR profiles and IGuides. Pharmacy agreed to co-sponsor with regular updates from the project team and a review of the content prior to balloting. Stephen/Patrick: 5-0-0
The following tracker items were resolved:
FHIR Tracker Items
Action Item List
- Nothing at this time
Ballot Reconciliation - Templates
- Separate call scheduled to review last items and plan for next ballot
MedicationKnowledge Resource
Next meeting
- Feb-18, 2018 - same bat time and same bat channel