FHIR Agenda 201801 WGM
This is a preliminary list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the Jan 2017 New Orleans WGM. A more complete list will be posted at the start of the meeting
This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.
Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions (where known) are included in italics.
For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows: Q0=breakfast, Q1=9-10:30, Q2=11:00-12:30, lunch=12:30-1:45, Q3=1:45-3:00, Q4=3:30-5, Q5=dinner time (5:15-7ish), Q6=after dinner until 8:30-9, Q7=late night discussions until everyone crashes
To keep this page easy to use, meetings on days that have already occurred are "commented out". (You can see them by editing or viewing history)
Most FHIR sessions are occurring as part of regular committee work, though some are FHIR-only ("FHIR Infrastructure"). You can find a list of #Work Group Abbreviations at the bottom. If you have questions, pop them on http://chat.fhir.org, the FHIR list or send an email to lmckenzie@gevityinc.com.
If you're in a FHIR-I quarter, please capture your attendance here: http://bit.ly/fhiri Notes from FHIR-I Quarters
Wed Lunch
Magazine - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I,PC - EK, JM, LM, GG
- Clinician-On-FHIR Preperation meeting
Wed Q3
Cambridge - 2F - Tutorial
- Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR
Prince of Wales - 2F - Tutorial
- FHIR for Clinical and Administrative Workflows
Chequers - 2F - Tutorial
- HL7 FHIR STU3 Proficiency Exam Review
Bridge - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, CGIT, Temp - EK
- Versioning FHIR
- Conformance_Position_on_FHIR_Versions
- Review Work done for new metadata
- How lessons from HL7 v2 versioning can help FHIR
- FHIR Conformance Review
- Original document FHIR_Constraints_and_Rules
- Review slide set of recommendations for improvements to FHIR to support conformance needs
- Running Items
- FHIR Quality Criteria
- Review of further requests for more/other criteria
- FHIR StructureDefinition vs. Templates vs. v2 Profiling
- Constraint Language: Status Update
- FHIR Quality Criteria
- Test Script and FHIR Validation
Windward - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, MnM - LM
- FHIR data types ballot comments
- FHIR methodology ballot comments
- Other tracker items
Jefferson Ballroom - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, OO, PC, Pharm - GG
- BiologicallyDerivedProduct
- Project Update
- Related Trackers
- GF#12673 How to handle HCT/TP - change ownership to OO and possibly close since is answered by the project PSS.
- GF#12993 Please Create a NonMedicationAdministration object or an Administration object
- GF#13047 Add DosageInstructions to Procedure-
- EH Depending how we scope MedAdmin and Procedures, Procedures may need dosages too? see e.g. radiation therapy question from Q1
- OO resources used by PC/CQI/CDS
- Recap/Overflow issues of OO resources discussed in Wed Q1 PC (time permitting)
Royal - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, Sec - JM
- Privacy Preserving Authorization Services as potential HL7 Standard
- FHIR version of Kantara Consent Report
Camp - CG
- FHIR IG Unificiation
St James - 3rd Floor - CQI
- QI Core ballot reconciliation
Pelican - Riverside Bldg - FM
- Review Task vs ProcessRequest
- Review flow of Charges -> Account -> Claim|(Billing) and the payments
- Review credit card/financial instrument storage
- Review Coverage regarding SelfPay
- Review FM FHIR Tracker Issues
Windsor - 3rd Floor - Dev
- Devices on FHIR
- PoCD IG Ballot Comment Reconciliation
Durham - 3rd Floor - PA
- Ballot reconciliation
Wed Q4
Cambridge - 2F - Tutorial
- Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR
Prince of Wales - 2F - Tutorial
- FHIR for Clinical and Administrative Workflows
Chequers - 2F - Tutorial
- HL7 FHIR STU3 Proficiency Exam Review
Pelican - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, FM - GG
- New FHIR work - Account and Billing: Invoice (Germany requirements?) - added resource
- Process, HL7 Scope (X12, GS1, Edifact?), review resource
- New Resource - ProductPlan
- Name (InsurancePlan?), review content
- FM FHIR Accounting and Billing Data Elements for Anesthesia
Windward - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, OO - JM
- FHIR Tracker/Ballot Reconciliation
Newberry - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, II - EK
- ???
Camp - 3rd Floor - CG - LM
- FHIR CG implementation guide
- FHIR IG Unification
St James - 3rd Floor - CQI
- QI Core ballot reconciliation
- FHIR Clinical Reasoning ballot reconciliation
- CQL STU Comments
Windsor - 3rd Floor - Dev, Mobile Health
- FHIR Tooling Discussion
Durham - 3rd Floor - PA
- Ballot reconciliation
Eglington Winton - 2nd Floor - Pharm
- FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
Wed Q5
The District - 3rd Floor - Reception
- Relax, eat and talk FHIR
Wed Q6
Thursday February 1
Thur Q0
St Charles Foyer - 3rd Floor - 7:30-9am Breakfast
St Charles Ballroom - 3rd Floor - 8am Announcements
TBD - 7am - LM
- IDMP discussion
Thur Q1
Bridge - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, Dev - GG
- Issues arising from PoCD & PHD IG Ballot Comment Resolution
- Finalize approach for integrating "MDC11073" incl. NIST RTMMS portal
- Possible use of Subscription or other mechanisms for alerting / alarming applications
St James - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, PC, LHS - EK
- Care Plan
Kabacoff - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, Sec, CBCP - JM
- FHIR Security simplification
- FHIR Consent Resource
Marlborough B - 2nd Floor - BR&R - LM
- BRIDG SubCommittee report - usage scenarios, usability/architecture
Parish - 3rd Floor - AWG, FM
- Finance Management and FHIR
Pelican - Riverside Bldg - CQI
- FHIR activities for May ballot
Windsor - 3rd Floor - OO, PC, CDS
- Order Service update
- OO resources used by PC/CQI/CDS
Durham - 3rd Floor - PA
- FHIR Planning
- FHIR Work
Camp - 3rd Floor - Pharm
- Order Entry discussion
- MedicationKnowledge resource discussion
- FHIR Ballot reconciliation
- FHIR Tracker items
Thur Q2
Pelican - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, MnM - LM
- Continued ballot reconciliation and tracker review
Windsor - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, OO - GG
- FHIR Planning
- Resource Management (e.g., Clinical and Supply Chain resources)
- Trackers with FHIR wide implications (time permitting)
- 11217 Thoughts on combining SupplyRequest, DeviceUseRequest and VisionPrescription - 2016-09 core #371
- 13938 Add phsyical activity profiles like vitals
- 12913 Create a profile for "Patient characteristics"
Leeward - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I - JM
- Ballot reconciliation
- Discuss versioned URLs (14195, 14191)
- Finish discussion of ":missing"
Windward - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I, Sec, CBCP - EK
- FHIR Consent Resource
Durham - 3rd Floor - FM, PA
- Current FHIR Activities Updates
- Invoice, Coverage, ChargeItems, SelfPay
Bridge - Riverside Bldg - Dev
- FHIR Planning - IGAMT & TCAMT
Camp - 3rd Floor - Pharm
- FHIR Tracker items
- FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
Parish - 3rd Floor - AWG
- FHIR Version Management status and next steps
Thur Lunch
Parish - 3rd Floor- FMG and FGB - ??
Thur Q3
Cambridge - 2F - Tutorial
- Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment
Prince of Wales - 2F - FHIR Proficiency Exam Pilot (2-4pm)
Leeward - Riverside Bldg - FHIR-I - JM, EK
- SMART ballot rec
St. James - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, PC, BR&R - LM
- Agenda: FHIR Change Requests related to AdverseEvent
- GF#13302 Vocabulary issues with AdverseEvent
- GF#13698 AdverseEvent.suspectedEntity.instance should allow CodeableConcept
- GF#11021 Increase cardinality of substance and make certainty relation to substance, not reaction - 2016-09 core #40
- GF#13892 Need guidance on overlap of AdverseEvent.event.text and AdverseEvent.description
- GF#13893 Correction to AdverseEvent.subject definition
- GF#13894 AdverseEvent.eventParticipant needs work
- GF#14238 AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.instance should be expanded to include the Immunization resource (Craig Newman) - also related to GF#14152
Canal - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, SD - GG
- ???
Marlborough A - 2nd Floor - OO, CS
- FHIR Tracker/Ballot reconcilation
- eLTSS initiatives
Durham - 3rd Floor - PA
- FHIR work as needed
Camp - 3rd Floor - Pharm
- MedicationKnowledge resource discussion
- FHIR Tracker items
Thur Q4
Cambridge - 2F - Tutorial
- Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment
Parish - 3rd Floor - FGB, FMG - LM, EK, JM, GG
- Highlights from the week
- Next steps towards ballot
Norwich - 3rd Floor - LHS, PA, PC
- PractionerRole use in Care Team - Discussion with Patient Admin
- GF#14334 request to allow careteam.participant,member to reference PractitionerRole
Camp - 3rd Floor - Pharm
- MedicationKnowlege resource discussion
- FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
Thur Q5
Commerce - 3rd Floor - FHIR-I, MnM, Vocab - LM, EK, GG, JM
- Facilitator's Roundtable
Ascott - PC
- The NIH L Forms application
- The Furore Registry & Simplifier
- An overview of the new FHIR “ExampleScenario” Resource for use with Workflows.
Thur Q6
Friday February 2
Fri Q0
St Charles Foyer - 3rd Floor - 7:30-9am Breakfast
Fri Q1
St Charles Ballroom - 3rd Floor - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, JM, GG, EK
- Orientation and data entry
Fri Q2-Q3
St. Charles Ballroom - 3rd Floor - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, JM, GG, EK
- Continued data entry, review
Work Group Abbreviations
- AID - Application Implementation & Design
- AWG - Attachments
- BR&R - Biomedical Research and Regulation
- CBCP - Community Based Care and Privacy
- CDS - Clinical Decision Support
- CIC - Clinical Interoperability Council
- CIMI - Clinical Information Modeling Initiative
- CG - Clinical Genomics
- CH - Child Health
- CQI - Clinical Quality Information
- CGIT - Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing
- DEV - Devices
- EHR - Electronic Health Records
- EST - Electronic Services & TOoling
- FGB - FHIR Governance Board
- FM - Financial Management
- FMG - FHIR Management Group
- FTSD - Foundation and Technology Steering Division
- HSI - Healthcare Standards Integration
- IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
- II - Imaging Integration
- InM - Implementation & Messaging
- ITS - Implementation Technology Services
- MnM - Modeling & Methodology
- MH - Mobile Health
- OHT - Open Health Tools
- OO - Orders & Observations
- PA - Patient Administration
- PC - Patient Care
- PH - Public Health, Emergency Response
- Pharm - Pharmacy
- SD - Structured Documents
- Sec - Security
- SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
- Temp - Templates
- Voc - Vocabulary