201801 Consumer Centered Data Exchange
Track Name
Consumer Centered Data Exchange (CCDE)
Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group
FHIR Project Director, in association with the National Association For Trusted Exchange (NATE)
The justification for this track is to continue to develop an understanding of what the main specification of the US core IG should say about enabling consumer-centric use case. This will be the second CCDE connectathon. The inaugural connectathon spurred significant interest and participation in San Diego followed by voluminous post-connectathon discussion.
Two areas of focus emerged and will be the focus of the January event:
Scenario 1) Consumer Access enabled by OAuth from a consumer controlled application – there is ambiguity in the community regarding the use of the FHIR standards to properly record when consumer access is enabled via OAuth. Striking the appropriate balance between minimizing the level of effort on the part of the consumer with the data holder's requirement to maintain an accounting of disclosures for audit and reporting purposes requires further deliberation to determine what if any modification to existing standards are needed and to provide guidance to aid developers implementing this use case in their systems. We aim to explore the various implementation considerations, doing so in a policy transparent way.
Scenario 2) Consumer Initiated Exchange - incorporating privacy preferences when sharing 'on behalf of' the consumer in addition to the requirement to be able to account for disclosures under HIPAA in the US, data holders are obligated to be able to share data with other entities 'on behalf of the consumer'. A number of elements are being brought to bare to address this complex requirement that intersects numerous regulatory and technical challenges including Cascading OAuth, UMA, Security Labeling Services, a FHIR-based eConsent portals and electronic Consent Management Systems. The goal of this scenario to examine how these components can empower consumers to communicate their privacy preferences to data holders who share information with covered entities on their behalf. We aim to explore the various implementation considerations, doing so in a policy transparent way.
Prior Connectathon track 201709 Consumer Centered Data Exchange
Relevant background
- HL7 blog - HL7 FHIR Connectathon 16: Patient Consent Forms: Redundant in the world of OAuth2? Part 1 of 2
- HL7 blog - HL7 FHIR Connectathon 16: Patient Consent Forms: Redundant in the world of OAuth2? Part 2 of 2
- John Moehrke blog - Remedial FHIR Consent Enforcement - note this is a different model than this track is following, but was used for alternative track.
- Grahame/Josh blog - Sharing Information with a Patient Case Manager
email discussion list
- mailto privacyconsent@lists.hl7.org
- archive of discussion
- signup at http://www.hl7.org/myhl7/managelistservs.cfm
- You do not need to be an HL7 member to signup for mailing lists
Proposed Track Lead
Aaron Seib
Expected participants
- John Moehrke (HL7 Security co-chair) SME on FHIR Consent
- http://test.fhir.org/r3
- HSS IDEA Lab Authors of the POET specification Mark Scrimshire & Alan Viars
(others: email aaron.seib@nate-trust.org if you are interested in getting involved)
Scenario 1) Consumer Access via OAuth
- Action: Consumer Authorizes the sharing of their Health Information with an App of their choice using the SMART OAuth pattern to authenticate
- Precondition: Consumer App is registered with the disclosing system (any FHIR based system that holds PHI about the consumer such as an EMR or Payer)
- Success Criteria: Without any special effort of the part of the consumer the disclosing system retains all required information to satisfy regulatory and audit requirements
- Bonus point: Being able to handle a consumer's rescinding of their authorization to disclose
Scenario 2) Consumer Initiated Exchange - sharing 'on behalf of'
- Action: Via a user friendly interface a consumer captures their privacy preferences in a computable way
- Precondition: Data holders are subscribed to the services that enable the capture of the consumer's privacy preferences and can electronically share with end-points indicated by the consumer.
- Success Criteria: The designated recipient that the data holder is disclosing to on behalf of the consumer receive all data except that which the consumer's privacy preferences indicate should not be shared it.
- Bonus point: Demonstrate how the solution set will allow the recreation of the consumer's privacy preferences at any point in time in the past following one or more changes in preference settings.