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November 1 Education Telecon

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Revision as of 08:04, 22 November 2017 by V lorenzi (talk | contribs)
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Sadhana Alangar, Abdul-Malik Shakir, Matt Blackmon, Caroline Bennett, Melissa Mendavil,Amir Amhed


    • Approve Prior Minutes

Last minutes approved (AMS moved, Matt seconded, Caroline abstained, unanimous approval)

    • Strategic Planning - Sadhana to present.
      • Sadhana would like a catalog of what will be offered for the next two years. AMS liked the idea. Tasked w increasing revenue by 2%, wants to get away from "month to month planning". Discussed modes of delivery, audience (develop material in that space if there is a demand), develop insrructors (audit courses), develop pathways, think competancies (how can I use that training for my job).

Mentioned roles - teaching business analysts. Need to ask ourselves -whatarethe coursesHL7 should be offering?

      • Discussed FHIR for Executives - should be by an executive, should be what executives want, should teach the benefit of fhir to their work,should be short. Discussed micro-learning- 30 minutes or less.Programmers - should teach about healthcare problem space. Discussed case-based learning. Virginia noted her work with case-based learning with Columbia HIT MOOC. Sadhana asked that we spend most of the January WGM focused on strategic plan and course list and asked if we could cancel meeting with CIC. Took vote and approved. Sadhana to get room. Virginia to reach out to CIC,Diego,and Fernando.
      • Talked about benefits of certification: clients of consulting companies want certified people. Employers want to use it for making selection or promotion.
    • FHIR Proficiency - Quick Update
    • Newcomer - Quick Update
    • Education Dashboard Stats (if available)