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Conformance Weekly Meeting 2017 10 23

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Meeting Information

  • Date: Monday, October 23, 2016
  • Time: 10:00 am, North America Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
  • Pass Code: 644843
  • Web Meeting: Uber Conference

Proposed Agenda Topics

Topics to discuss:

  • Review of Best Practice Statements
  • Review of FHIR slides
  • Change to Free Conference?
  • ISA Comment

Todo List

  • Nathan
    • Send out notes for WGM
    • Create PSS for Unified Conformance and Constraint Modeling
    • Ask Dave Hammill why projects 1097,1096, and 1095 are still open
    • Create Position Statements:
      • Version Support
      • Conformance Length and Truncation (one PS or two)
      • Assumptions
      • Query Ids and Versions
      • Best Practice for Conformance Statement vs Small Value Set
    • Send link to blog to group
    • Reach to Ioana to get the Cross Paradigm Implementation Guide so group can review and will put agenda to discuss
    • Follow up with InM about proposal to retire "original mode"
  • Ioana
    • FHIR Versions: Ioana was going to work with Mario from AEGIS to write test scripts for testing version support in FHIR. Mario is going to take the first step and then work with Ioana.
  • Rob
    • Data Type Flavors: Rob and Craig will continue to work on this and then evaluate at next WGM to see if this should become an official conformance PSS

