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DetectedIssue CMET to CMETs
Revision as of 23:44, 1 October 2007 by Smrobertson (talk | contribs)
ITEM: 33
The detectedIssue CMET should be moved to the CMET domain, and not be defined locally in MCAI
Opened: 28-Jan-05 Old Item: 221 Closed: 20070726 Assigned to: Scott
- 20050128, INM Chairs, Open
- INM WGM Orlando: Added. When creating the next version of MCAI, the detectedIssue CMET should be moved to the CMET domain, and not be defined locally in MCAI Pharmacy has a use-case for a message that shows all controlActs(+detectedIssue) related to a single order. This can be implemented today as a shared message. If implemented as a wrapper this would require that the tools support stubs with exit points.
- 20051105, INM Chairs, Open
- Rene: will remain open until such time where the controlAct domains will be up for a new release.
- 20051128, INM Chairs, Reviewed
- No Update
- 20060915 WGM: Michael vC: Also take relationship with ManagedIssue CMET and ReportedIssue CMET, Consent.
- 20070110: WGM: Michael: Pharmacy has created a new Pharmacy CMET topic. Issue is about harmonizing those in some fashion with the MCAI CMET. Michael to harmonize the various CMET, and bring forward a proposal on how it should be included in the wrappers.
- 20070502: WGM: Moving the CMET is part of Wrappers R2. Harmonization of the Pharmacy models with the existing one is still open. Michael vC: Approach will be to replace the current A_DetectedIssueEvent CMET class with a choice between domain specific deteceted issue CMETs and the current A_DetectedIssueEvent CMET. Pharmacy to send ID of CMET to INM for inclusion in the model.
- 20070726 Scott: Forwarded this item to ITS. Closed for InM.