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DoF 2017-08-30
Meeting Information
- NOTE: Updated with HL7 FreeConferenceCall Info
- Online Meeting
- Link:
- ID: devicesonfhir
- Online Meeting
- Dial-in Number
- United States: (605) 475-4793
- Access Code: 399374
- International Dial-in Numbers:
- Dial-in Number
Brian Reinhold, Beth Pumo, Anne W., Björn Andersen, Joe Quinn, Ana Kostadinovska, J.-Uwe Meyer, Stefan Karl, Ken Fuchs, Martin Rosner, Koichiro Matsumoto, John Dyer, John Rhoads (presiding)
- Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
- Approve Minutes from previous call -- 2017-08-16 (No meeting 2017-08-23)
- Discussion of DeviceComponent changes for properties element - Eric Haas thought renaming of 'type' component was unnecessary
- VOTE: This outcome is acceptable - none against, no abstentions. Motion carried.
- Discussion of progress of PHD Implementation Guide writing. Brian R. reported difficulty determining what is really needed
from the limited guidance currently available. Discussion of IG Tools. Furore 'Forge' tool IG feature examined.
- Q & A about upcoming FHIR Connectathon at September HL7 WGM
- Discussion of future topics important to group. Stefan Karl points out that Alarms are highly important in devices and that the "Devices on FHIR" group has had them on hold too long while working on observation reporting. Some members strongly agreed. This is a planning topic for the next meetings
- Adjourned at the end of the hour
- Next web meeting: 2017-09-06
- Next F2F meetings
- September 9-15, 2017 San Diego, CA @ HL7 WGM (+ FHIR Connectathon)