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2017-08-30 SGB Conference Call

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HL7 SGB Minutes


Date: 2017-08-30
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern
Facilitator Paul/Calvin Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee Name

x Calvin Beebe
Lorraine Constable
Russ Hamm
x Tony Julian
x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler
x Wayne Kubick
x Thom Kuhn
Ken McCaslin
x Rik Smithies
Sandy Stuart
Quorum: Chair + 4


  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-08-23_SGB_Conference_Call
  • Action Items
    • All to review tooling document and tooling inventory
    • Paul to reach out to EST cochairs regarding meeting on Friday in San Diego
    • Anne to coordinate DJ and Laura calling in on Friday Q2 meeting
    • Paul to discuss advisory/executive management discussion on PLA agenda on Friday 8/25
  • Discussion Topics
    • San Diego agenda
  • Parking Lot
    • Paul to finish detailed list of 23 items for FHIR ballot that were approved by WG to be STUs
    • Paul to draft a precept on state machine alignment
    • Paul to find principles document and write precept on mixed ballot content
    • Draft precept on use of new tools/coordinate with Wayne
    • Review Publishing M&C updates regarding dual roles
    • Write/post precept on vitality assessment
    • How do we deal with making sure that WGs involve those whose content domain they’re touching? (CIMI and Pharmacy and Lab models)
    • Review Mission and Charter
    • PSS approval process: managing unresponsive parties - propose new precept to TSC
    • Handling situations where two documents come out of one project
    • FHIR Product Director Position Description: we should 1) review further and draft feedback, then 2) map back the description to the role of FGB
    • Drafting Shared Product Management Responsibilities
    • Vocabulary precepts
    • General precepts
      • Precept around training WGs in CDA methodology and management principles
    • Levels of standards
    • Separation of concerns
    • Ownership of content
    • ISM
    • Ask methodology groups to define how the definition of substantive change applies to their product family; management groups must then operationalize
  • Agenda items for San Diego
    • Re-appointments to SGB
    • discussion of backwards compatibility consistency and definition across families. Tony will describe backwards compatibility in V2 as starting point.
    • add substantivity definition boilerplate review WRT the V2 document.
    • add vocabulary interoperability discussion topic


  • Agenda review
    • Wayne asks about CDAMG candidates. Austin states he had vetted the list of volunteers before he left on vacation and another he hadn't heard from. The rest agreed to serve. Add to discussion topics.
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-08-23_SGB_Conference_Call
    • MOTION to approve: Thom/Tony
    • VOTE: Rik abstains. Remaining in favor.
  • Action Items
    • All to review tooling document and tooling inventory
    • Paul to reach out to EST cochairs regarding meeting on Friday in San Diego
      • Complete
    • Anne to coordinate DJ and Laura calling in on Friday Q2 meeting
      • DJ and Laura are available. Anne working on coordinating process.
    • Paul to discuss advisory/executive management discussion on PLA agenda on Friday 8/15
  • Discussion Topics
    • FGB
      • Calvin notes that governance precepts were touched upon on the last call, although much of it is actually methodology. Advisory function that FGB is providing still doesn't seem to have a large governance component. This topic bridges management and methodology. Calvin notes that other governance bodies don't see themselves as purely precept development, they see themselves as overarching the product. Need to understand what the supporter function does, what the family needs from it, then meet that within our structure or adjust our structure to meet that need. Austin: Maybe a supplement to the product management role. This is really change management rather than versioning. Calvin notes that there is a board edict on backwards compatibility - Paul would like to bring that into the Friday discussion. Required that there be a major version change if there is a break in wire backward compatibility.
      • ACTION: Calvin to locate board minutes reflecting this decision.
    • San Diego agenda
      • Reappointments need to happen at TSC after vote for TSC chair.
      • FGB issue: They do seem to be providing a valued service to the leadership in FHIR family in the area of management. It appears that they are providing value but that value is not so much in the area of governance or FHIR-specific governance. Seems to bridge management and methodology, like an advisory to product manager. How you populate an advisory group vs. a governance group would be different. Need to work through how to operationalize such a group. Wayne: Maybe it's an ad hoc committee or task force that doesn't go on forever.
      • Edited agenda
    • Need to discuss vocabulary issues next meeting or before.
    • CDAMG candidates
      • Austin sent out spreadsheet with viable candidates. Discussion over when to meet - the currently scheduled Sunday meeting time likely won't work. TSC has not yet approved candidates. Could perhaps do an informal meet and greet lunch on Thursday - set up a reserved table or meet in the room US Realm was going to meet in. Reviewed M&C vs. list of candidates. Will continue to pursue a payer representative.
      • MOTION to recommend to CTO that the candidates marked as confirmed should be considered for appointment to the CDAMG: Austin/Calvin
      • VOTE: All in favor
        • ACTION: Anne to check with Mary Ann on space
  • Parking Lot
    • Paul to finish detailed list of 23 items for FHIR ballot that were approved by WG to be STUs
    • Paul to draft a precept on state machine alignment
    • Paul to find principles document and write precept on mixed ballot content
    • Draft precept on use of new tools/coordinate with Wayne
    • Review Publishing M&C updates regarding dual roles
    • Write/post precept on vitality assessment
    • How do we deal with making sure that WGs involve those whose content domain they’re touching? (CIMI and Pharmacy and Lab models)
    • Review Mission and Charter
    • PSS approval process: managing unresponsive parties - propose new precept to TSC
    • Handling situations where two documents come out of one project
    • FHIR Product Director Position Description: we should 1) review further and draft feedback, then 2) map back the description to the role of FGB
    • Drafting Shared Product Management Responsibilities
    • Vocabulary precepts
    • General precepts
      • Precept around training WGs in CDA methodology and management principles
    • Levels of standards
    • Separation of concerns
    • Ownership of content
    • ISM
    • Ask methodology groups to define how the definition of substantive change applies to their product family; management groups must then operationalize
  • Agenda items for San Diego
    • Re-appointments to SGB
    • discussion of backwards compatibility consistency and definition across families. Tony will describe backwards compatibility in V2 as starting point.
    • add substantivity definition boilerplate review WRT the V2 document.
    • add vocabulary interoperability discussion topic

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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