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August 9th 2017 Education Telecon

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 01:34, 16 August 2017 by V lorenzi (talk | contribs) (→‎Call to Order 4:06 pm EST)
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  • Approve Prior week's meeting minutes
  • Review any items needed by Mary Ann for September WGM
  • Review preparation for FHIR Proficiency Exam
  • Review Newcomer Webinar detailed summary
  • LMS Integration progress update
  • Strategy updates?

Call to Order 4:06 pm EST

  • Introductions: Welcome Sadhana, our new Education Director! Also welcome Maryam, our new Marketing Director.
  • Did not have quorum on 7/26.
  • Criterion entry is complete, Practice Exam complete, Training Materials not yet posted to, Sadhana to follow up with Virginia on what needs to be done to get website set up.
  • Physical set up for exam is all covered, volunteers appreciated!
  • Virginia: there are a few typos in the questions for the FHIR Practice Exam, and the study guide link is not working when clicked. (may be a permissions issue) There is some urgency around addressing these last items so that we can market the exam. Mary Ann will follow up with Sharon on getting these last items addressed.
  • Maryam: Please share the marketing plan for the FHIR Proficiency exam - Melissa will huddle with MaryAm on this.
  • Melissa: Reviewed WGM Newcomer's Webinar at a high level. Melissa will send out to group, and Mary Ann will send Melissa the tutorial specification.
  • Melissa/Virginia will post tutorial template to Wiki
  • Melissa to update project page
  • Melissa demo'd new LMS/Education Portal integration.
  • Maryam: We need to quantify the opportunity, and determine what the benefit is to HL7, what the investment (time, marketing, etc) would be, what is our angle is to sell this?
  • Melissa: This is a proof of concept to determine interest level so that we could decide if we move forward with this idea.
  • Virginia: Will reach out to Implementer's Committee to get their feedback on LMS idea.

Adjourn at 5:00 pm EST