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20170718 arb minutes

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ARB - Meeting (Date in Title)


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
  4. Management
  5. Governance
  6. Methodology
  7. Other business and planning
  8. Adjournment

Meeting Information

HL7 ARB Work Group Meeting Minutes

Location: Telcon

Date: 20170718
Time: 4:00pm U.S. Eastern
Facilitator Julian, Tony Note taker(s) Julian, Tony
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Bond,Andy NEHTA
X Constable, Lorraine Constable Consulting Inc.
R Hyland, Mario AEGIS
X Julian, Tony Mayo Clinic
X Knapp, Paul Pknapp Consulting
X Kubick, Wayne HL7 CTO
. Loyd, Patrick ICode Solutions
R Lynch, Cecil Accenture
. Milosevic, Zoran Deontik Pty Ltd
X Stechishin,Andy CANA Software and Service Ltd.
X Mandel, Josh Boston Childrens Hospital
X Present
. Absent
R Regrets
Quorum Requirements (Co-chair + 3) Met: Yes


  1. Agenda approval
  2. Minute approval
  3. Methodology
    • Review SMART on FHIR
      • on FHIR PSS 20170511 3.docx PSS
      • Content
        • Joint copyright HL7/Boston Childrens Hospital has been negotiated.
        • Creative commons license
        • There is some overlap with CCOW, but not an effort to map all of CCOW.
        • Josh discussed the content starting with index as well as scopes and launch
        • Paul: Why FHIR-I instead of InM or Security? Make useful for all WGs - a core spec. Not sufficient to make FHIR-I. It is a transport - ITS and/or INM should be involved.
        • Josh: Application platform. It has majority of OATH and FHIR.
        • Lorraine: Did this come up on FTSD?
        • Paul: Issue not caught during SD review. Co-sponsors want to review before ballot. Will take it back to ITS - InM should consider as well - after ballot.
        • MOTION that ARB approve the external content aspects Lorraine/Andy S.
        • VOTE 5-0-0
    • Vote to publish Canonical DAM
  4. Other business and planning
    • None
  5. Adjournment
    • Adjournment at 4:47pm Eastern

Tony Julian (talk) 17:07, 18 July 2017 (EDT)