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Cross-Paradigm Storyboard Payer Perspective Value-Based Care

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Cross-Paradigm Storyboard Payer Perspective Value-Based Care Project

Welcome to the Cross-Paradigm Storyboard Payer Perspective Value-Based Care Project Wiki Site. This wiki will be used to manage the information necessary to support development of this cross-paradigm storyboard.

  • Guiding principles used to manage the project, encourage collaboration, and focus the scope of the content to be included.
    • The PSS sets the scope and boundaries for the project
    • The content requirements for the storyboard artifact will be documented and preserved on this wiki to support ballot reconciliation and for future reference
      • Content requirements will be generated by analyzing actual examples readily in the United States, available on the internet,and considered to be a reputable reference resource by the steering committee
      • All samples will be considered by the industry team. Some samples may be determined to be out of scope or certain parts or aspects may be deemed out of scope.
    • Decision making over controversial topics will be handled in the larger context of the AWG meeting.
      • Options will be developed using a collaborative approach
      • Input will be sought from a industry experts with knowledge and experience that is relevant to the project's scope and objectives
      • Working sessions will be conducted with teams who will contribute clinical, business, and technical input
      • Final decisions will be governed through Attachments Workgroup (Project Sponsor)
      • Co-sponsoring Workgroups will be engaged as indicated in the PSS (Financial Management, Clinical Decision Support, Clinical Quality Information)

Project Information

  • Project Listservs:
  • Project Scope Statement (as of 7/14/2017) PSS
  • HL7 Project Insight#: TBD
  • US Realm Steering Division Approval:
  • Technical Steering Committee Approval:

Meeting Times Current Agenda

Conference Calls

Participation Information

Phone Number:United States:
Participant Access Code:

Web Meeting Info


Lisa Nelson to Host

Agenda Items

Current Agenda

  1. Establish project familiarity
  2. Seek project participation

Past Minutes

Working Documents

Last updated: 7/14/2017