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Datatypes R2 Issue 31

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Data Types Issue 31: Null constraints


Null flavor co-occurrence constraints need to be more clear

Backwards compability: No change, just better documentation


Thurs Q3 May 2006: Motion in favor of this.


Well, the underlying confusion here is the contention that setting a datatype to null actually prohibits any properties from being populated. But generally this is not the case. There are some specific cases, and these are clearly documented. In fact, all the required co-occurence constraints are documented.

But that's what we don't document. So the disposition to this is to add a general paragraph saying that.

What are we voting on here? Gschadow 07:35, 24 September 2007 (CDT)
Agree that this seems somewhat devoid of content - but happy to vote in favor of adding a short paragraph as described above Charliemccay 12:00, 24 September 2007 (CDT)
 For: Grahame, Charlie
 Against: Lloyd (I understand the motion to be we won't document the constraints . . .)


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