CatalogEntry FHIR Resource Proposal
- 1 catalogEntry
- 1.1 Owning committee name
- 1.2 Committee Approval Date:
- 1.3 Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups
- 1.4 FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID
- 1.5 Scope of coverage
- 1.6 RIM scope
- 1.7 Resource appropriateness
- 1.8 Expected implementations
- 1.9 Content sources
- 1.10 Example Scenarios
- 1.11 Resource Relationships
- 1.12 Timelines
- 1.13 gForge Users
- 1.14 When Resource Proposal Is Complete
Owning committee name
Committee Approval Date:
Please enter the date that the committee approved this Resource proposal
Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups
- Pharmacy
- Devices
- BR&R
- II
FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID
Scope of coverage
The catalogEntry resource provides additional data and metadata about a definitional resource such as medication, specimenDefinition, device, so that these resources can be bundled in a catalog of items - the catalog itself being implemented by a list or collection resource, or potentially a profile on Composition.
The catalogEntry is a wrapper for the definitional items, adding data relative to
- the status of the item ("active", "inactive", "legacy", "informative"...) to support that catalog includes products that can be ordered and products that cannot be ordered.
- the CatalogEntry purpose ("orderable", ...)
- the relation between the item and other items ("contains", "includes", "requires"), to provide information for downstream systems to create a structured hierarchy or any other information graph, such as devices containing products, products containing substances, products requiring devices).
The catalogEntry does not overlap with the definitional resources. The catalogEntry provides a part of the functionality provided by SPL. SPL is appropriate for full product definitions in a controlled regulated exchange. For local, cut-down product catalogs (as most clinical systems) - in catalog download or product discovery based on a limited, ad-hoc set of characteristics - a FHIR resouce is a more flexible vehicle.
A catalogEntry will be present in any list of resources that represents or belongs to a structured list of items.
RIM scope
The closest scope is in Entity or Acts in the case of services, much of which maps to the resources that are referenced by catalog Entry. You would use a Grouper class to wrap Acts, Observations, Procedures, etc to create an Master Record item.
Master file concepts were not specifically modelled as a topic area in v3 Messaging.
Resource appropriateness
This represents the concept of exchanging Master Files of products, services, (e.g. medications and labs)
Catalogs and Master files have a need for explicit maintenance and exchange.
Expected implementations
The recent focus on terminology consistency on products (UDI, IDMP, openMedicine) has shown a good interest from vendors and agencies in providing product information in a standard format. FHIR is a vehicle for such information (Same as specimenDefinition)
Content sources
- Review v3 Common Product Model as source for product list requirements
Example Scenarios
Resource Relationships
The catalogEntry resource/pattern relates to the following definitional resources:
- medication
- device
- specimenDefinition
the catalogEntry can also be used to exchange catalogs of procedures or protocols, and as such can be ued with other resources such as serviceDefinition and activityDefinition.
The timelines for the catalogEntry depend mostly on alignment with other WGs. The resource or pattern is aimed at STU4.
gForge Users
cnanjo lconstab
When Resource Proposal Is Complete
When you have completed your proposal, please send an email to