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V2 Examples Requirements

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V2 Examples Maintenance project


  • This project will establish the work group resources needed to maintain, review, correct and amend all examples in Version 2.x standards on an ongoing basis as well as establish the project triggers that will initiate any new round of review.
  • For purposes of publishing V 2.8, the corrected and updated examples will be published after the fact as an errata, under the CTO's signature.
  • It is our intention that V 2.9 will incorporate the corrected and updated examples

Project need

  • This project is needed because currently there is no ongoing review of (or standards for) the message examples in the V2.x chapters.
  • As a result, examples are handled differently between chapters, practices for presenting examples are handled differently between chapters, and examples are updated in only a haphazard manner resulting in outdated and ineffective examples.


  • Ensure consistent examples across chapter
  • Ensure that all examples are updated (and relevant) and remain so through future versions
  • Ensure all examples have the necessary and appropriate introductions for:
  • explanation of what the example is illustrating
  • Ensure that we have a consistent method of hiding ( via ...) non-relevant portions of examples
  • Ensure we have ownership of the examples
  • Ensure consistent handling and placement of examples in all chapters (i.e.-in next-to-last section, Examples) - Target: 2015 May WGM
  • Update all examples for inclusion in V 2.8 errata - Target: 2014 May WGM
  • Project End Date (all objectives have been met) - Target: May 2015


  • Brian Pech


  • Steering Division: Technical & Support Services 18Nov2013
  • TSC 25Nov2013