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MnM Minutes WGM 201705 Madrid
MnM 2017 May Madrid WGM Minutes
Mon Q3
- Jean Duteau (chair)
- Ron Shapiro (minutes)
- Lloyd McKenzie, William Goosen, Alexander Henket, Hugh Glover, Dave Shaver
Discussion of V3 Balloting and Publishing
Wed Q3
- Lloyd McKenzie (chair)
- Ron Shapiro (minutes)
FHIR QA criteria
- work on FHIR Conformance QA Guidelines document
- make plans for creating a new QA tracking spreadsheet for other WGs to use
- this will expand on the current FHIR FMM/QA Tracking Spreadsheet
- new spreadsheet will transpose the tracking tab on the current spreadsheet (resources will become rows instead of columns)
- new spreadsheet will include a new tab for each section of the FHIR Conformance QA Guidelines
Thu Q1
- Jean Duteau (chair/minutes)
- Ron Shapiro, William Goosen, Lynn Laakso
Review of M&M Projects and Core Products
- Data Types - Abstract Specification, R2 reaffirm
- fill in the form
- get project approved
- reaffirmation ballot
- Core Principles, R1 reaffirm - close
- Re-Ballot Core Principles R2
- reconcile the previous negative comments
- reballot
- Creation of an IG for use of Negation Indicators - close
- CMET Clean Up Work - close
- create new CMET R4 Project
- expires 7/5/2018 - start now
- determine which CMETs to ballot as a group
- by then we will have to reballot some set of CMETs - Pharmacy/CPMs
- RIM Balloting - change back to periodic ballot
- expires 2021 - start next year
- determine if structured vocabulary has changed
- reaffirm or reballot as necessary
- Data Types R3 - close
- IR4H Methodology Design - close
- 1268 - FHIR Methodology and data types maintenance - close
- Motion:
- Approve Project 1283 (Data types R2)
- Archive Project 1281 (Core Principles R1), 1135 (Negation IG), 887 (CMET Clean up), 750 (Data types R3)
- Create a new Project for balloting CMET R4
- Close Project 809 (IR4H Methodology), Project 1268 (FHIR Methodology)
- Change RIM Balloting back to a Periodic ballot from annual
- William/Ron : 2-0-0
- get every workgroup to review their V3 products and determine their status
- determine if any workgroup has plans of balloting a new V3 product
Thu Q2
- Lloyd McKenzie (chair)
- Ron Shapiro (minutes)
- William Jones
FHIR Methodology and Data Types Maintenance project (#1268)
- Motion to extend this project for 2 more years
- Ron Shapiro/William Jones: 2-0-0
FHIR QA criteria
- work on FHIR Conformance QA Guidelines document
Thu Q5 - Facilitator's Roundtable
Harmonization Dates
- July 11th-12th
- Initial Proposals: June 16th
- Final Proposals: July 7th
- QA of updated vocabulary: July 23rd
- Publish of new vocabulary: July 30th
Future of Harmonization
- Universal Terminology Governance Process project
- move to a continuous vocabulary updating cycle
- independent model unified across all products
- mid-2018
- any contentious issues could be held in-person at the Roundtable session at the next WGM or in an ad-hoc meeting
Vocabulary Happenings
- Publishing of Vocabulary
- we have been publishing the 2014 vocabulary and no one has noticed
- Lynn is going back to the 2014 vocabulary and re-applying the changes since then
- Large Harmonization Vocabulary Items
- international patient summary implementation guide will have a couple of big ones
- Structured Documents will have various proposals
- Public Health will have a small one
- Orders & Observations will have some v2
- FHIR Vocabulary
- FHIR Required and Extensible vocabulary should be grandfathered into the HL7 vocabulary repository
V2 Happenings
- Conformance - working on a tool with NIST to elevate the conformance rules out of the specific versions and to create a standard for the creation of implementation guides
V3 Happenings
- Future of V3 discussion on Monday - will be canvassing the workgroups as to the state of their v3 products - reaffirm, withdraw, reballot, any new?
- M&M V3 Products - RIM is moving to periodic balloting, Datatypes R2 will be reaffirmed, Core Principles R2 will be re-reconciled and reballoted. CMETs will be reballoted.
- Identifiers - FHIR identifiers have an URI but we can't send that in V3 and thus CDA can't handle it. May need a Datatypes R1/R2 errata to allow for URIs to be sent in V3/CDA - and may need to raise this in ISO21090.
CDA Happenings
- TSC has approved the CDA Management Group - operational by September WGM. Will identify the lead methodology group for CDA.
- CDA R2.1 went through Draft for Comment ballot. Normative ballot in September balloting cycle
FHIR Happenings
- M&M turned quality criteria into a readable format
- FHIR Strategic Priorities will be published shortly
- focus is on maturity, quality, usability, and stabilization
- FHIR scheduling may lead to changes in the room reservation system
- FHIR's ballot will be mixed and some will be normative. FHIR R4 will have a core of normative content
Future of Roundtable
- will schedule this for September WGM
- add CIMI and communicate that they need to be here
- publish the agenda beforehand so people know what we're discussing