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MnM Minutes WGM 201705 Madrid
Revision as of 10:40, 11 May 2017 by Ron Shapiro (talk | contribs)
MnM 2017 May Madrid WGM Minutes
Wed Q3
- Lloyd McKenzie (chair)
- Ron Shapiro (minutes)
FHIR QA criteria
- work on FHIR Conformance QA Guidelines document
- make plans for creating a new QA tracking spreadsheet for other WGs to use
- this will expand on the current FHIR FMM/QA Tracking Spreadsheet
- new spreadsheet will transpose the tracking tab on the current spreadsheet (resources will become rows instead of columns)
- new spreadsheet will include a new tab for each section of the FHIR Conformance QA Guidelines
Thu Q2
- Lloyd McKenzie (chair)
- Ron Shapiro (minutes)
- William Jones
FHIR Methodology and Data Types Maintenance project (#1268)
- Motion to extend this project for 2 more years
- Ron Shapiro/William Jones: 2-0-0
FHIR QA criteria
- work on FHIR Conformance QA Guidelines document