V2.9 Chapter Status
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V2.x Chapter Status
As of 2017MAY WGM
I am missing critical information for dispositions, mover/seconder and vote tallies for Ch 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 as well as for Patient Care chapters
CH05 Queries:
CH06 Financial Mngmt:
CH07 Observations:
CH08 MasterFiles:
CH10 Scheduling:
CH11 PatientReferral:
CH12 PatientCare:
full list of chapters and editors
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V2.x Chapter Editors
As of Version 2.9
CH02 Control: Anthony Julian (ajulian (at) mayo.edu)
CH02A DataTypes: Sandra Stuart (Sandra.stuart (at) kp.org)
CH02B Conformance: Rob Snelick (robert.snelick (at) nist.com)
CH02C CodeTables: Vocabulary Work Group - generated out of the publishing database
CH03 Patient Admin: Alex Deleon (Alexander.J.Deleon (at) kp.org)
CH04 Orders: Hans Buitendijk (hans.buitendijk (at) Cerner.com) and Riki Merrick (rikimerrick (at) gmail.com)
CH04A Order Entry: Pharmacy/Treatment Vaccination – Hans Buitendijk (hans.buitendijk (at) Cerner.com)
CH05 Queries: Pete Gilbert, Anthony Julian (peter.gilbert (at) mhplan.com, ajulian (at) mayo.edu)
CH06 Financial Mngmt: Beat Heggli (Beat.Heggli (at) netcetera.com)
CH07 Observations: Hans Buitendijk (hans.buitendijk (at) Cerner.com)
CH08 MasterFiles: Scott Robertson (Scott.M.Robertson (at) kp.org)
CH09 MedRecords: Pete Gilbert (peter.gilbert (at) mhplan.com)
CH10 Scheduling: TBD.
CH11 PatientReferral: Amit Popat (amit (at) epic.com)
CH12 PatientCare: Amit Popat (amit (at) epic.com)
CH13 ClinicalLabAuto: Riki Merrick (rikimerrick (at) gmail.com)
CH14 AppMngmt: Anthony Julian (ajulian (at) mayo.edu)
CH15 PersonnelMgmt: Frank Oemig (hl7 (at) oemig.de)
CH16 eClaims: Beat Heggli (Beat.Heggli (at) netcetera.com)
CH17 MaterialsMgmt: Riki Merrick (rikimerrick (at) gmail.com)