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Wiki usage policy

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This is a project led by Charlie McCay to recommend a policy for wiki usage for adoption by HL7. This page is in an initial ideas gathering mode -- and will evolve as the project gains structure and substance


  • The project will deliver a set of recommendations on how HL7 should support the use of wiki technology, and the policies and processes that it should put in place to support effective usage.
  • The project will recommend a process to maintain the set of policies and processes.

Current good practice

hot topics by INM / MnM

The maintaining of a set of articles on open issues is an effective way to capture ongoing discussion on these themes. There is a need for the topic sets to be maintained. This section needs further work.

agenda maintenence

  • conference calls
  • WGM sessions
  • affiliate conferences etc

Project Status management

Issues encountered

Maintaining draft ballot content

This was tried by the ITS SIG, and while it was very useful to have the documents available as a shared edittable resource -- in practice porting the information from the wiki markup to the HL7 markup was a problem. It was also more difficult to work when not connected to the internet (though not impossible).

Balloting of wiki content

The wiki should certainly NOT be used as a place where material that is to be commented on in the ballot process is stored. Given the dynamic nature of wiki material, it is not suited to the ballot process where there is the collection of a set of comments, that can be reviewed as a whole, and result in an agreed set of changes.

When content from the wiki is stable enough to be ready for balloting, it should be removed from the wiki, and moved into a more controlled editorial environment.

Risk analysis

This section includes risks associated with wiki usage, and what measures should be put in place to address them

  • Wiki hijacked for spam links
  • Wiki content assumed to be more authorative than it is

relationships between website, wiki, and HL7 publications


This section outlines where the wiki policy may have impacts.

  • Co-chairs handbook
  • Publishing Facilitators Guide
  • Website maintenance policy
  • Project Management Office


  • This project will be discussed on Electronic services conference calls.
  • It is intended to be complete by the Sept WGM