2017-02-14 Patient Care FHIR Call
Meeting Information
Patient Care FHIR Resources Conference Call Location: Conference Call |
Date: 2017-02-14 Time: 5-6:30pm ET | ||
Facilitator | Michelle M Miller | Note taker(s) | Michelle M Miller |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation
| |
Elaine Ayres | NIH/Department of Clinical Research Informatics | ||
Stephen Chu | The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) | ||
Evelyn Gallego | EMI Advisors LLC | ||
Eric Haas | Haas Consulting | ||
Rob Hausam | Hausam Consulting LLC | ||
Laura Heermann-Langford | Intermountain Healthcare | ||
Emma Jones | Allscripts | ||
Russ Leftwich | InterSystems | ||
Tony Little | Optum 360 | ||
Jay Lyle | Ockham Information Services LLC, VA | ||
Russell McDonell | Telstra Health | ||
Lloyd McKenzie | Gevity (HL7 Canada) | ||
Larry McKnight | Cerner | ||
Michelle M Miller | Cerner | ||
Lisa Nelson | Life Over Time Solutions | ||
Viet Nguyen | Lockheed Martin, Systems Made Simple | ||
M'Lynda Owens | Cognosante | ||
Craig Parker | Intermountain Healthcare | ||
Joe Quinn | Optum | ||
Simon Sum | Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics | ||
Iona Thraen | Dept of Veterans Affairs | ||
Serafina Versaggi | Dept of Veterans Affairs | ||
Pushpalatha Bhat | |||
Quorum Requirements Met: yes |
Agenda Topics
- Agenda review
- Approve previous meeting minutes 2017-02-09_Patient_Care_FHIR_Call
- Motion:
- gForge change request
Supporting Information
STU 3 Timeline
From FHIR_Ballot_Prep
- Sun. Feb. 19 Publication substantive resource freeze
- Sun. Feb 26 Publication total freeze
- Mon. Feb 27 QA period opens
- Tue. Feb 28 FMM QA spreadsheet updated for all WG resources
- Sun. Mar. 13 QA period closes
- Sun. Mar. 20 All QA applied
The "following week" STU 3 is published!
FHIR Maturity Levels
Maturity Levels Level 3 requires the artifact has been verified by the work group as meeting the DSTU_2_QA_guidelines and has been subject to a round of formal balloting; has at least 10 implementer comments recorded in the tracker drawn from at least 3 organizations resulting in at least one substantive change
Target FMM levels for STU3 publication
- AllergyIntolerance = 3
- Condition = 3
- Procedure = 3
- CarePlan = 1
- Goal = 1
- CareTeam = 1
- FamilyMemberHistory = 1
- ReferralRequest = 1
- Flag = 1
- Communication = 1
- CommunicationRequest =1
- ClinicalImpression = 0
- Linkage = 0
STU3 Action Items
- Review Tracker Issues - https://docs.google.com/a/lmckenzie.com/uc?id=0B285oCHDUr09Mzh3b09rMFhEV1E
- Resolve QA Warnings to have resource FMM > 0
- Resolve QA Information messages to achieve FMM = 3
- Update QA checklist for resources that we want to be FMM = 3
- Apply changes (all "substantive" changes have been applied, except workflow patterns)
gForge Change Requests
Event Workflow Pattern
Review workflow patterns GF#10293
- add definition element -- search parameter / example
- add replaces element -- search parameter / example
- add aliases (grouperId and requisition) to groupIdentifier element
- bind status element to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-status (effectively adding suspended and unknown)
- rename category element to intent and bind to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-intent (pre-applied)
- change priority from CodeableConcept to code
- exempt from having code element added OR rename serviceRequested element to code? (request pattern has 0..1 cardinality, but keep 0..*)
- rename patient element to be subject Reference(Patient|Group) and change to be required 1..1
- rename fulfillmentTime element to be occurrence with choice of dateTime|Period|Timing?
- align requester element with the agent and onBehalfOf elements (allowing agent to also be RelatedPerson|Device)
- exempt from performerType/performer pattern; prefer to keep recipient 0..* instead
- rename reason element to be reasonCode, and increase cardinality 0..*
- add reasonReference element
- add relevantHistory element
- add definition element -- search parameter / example
- add basedOn as extension (GF#10293) -- search parameter? / example
- add partOf as extension (GF#10293) -- search parameter? / example
- bind status to http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/event-status
- add notDone element
- add notDoneReason element (need to determine value set binding)
- add alias (of patient) to subject element
- exempt from occurrence pattern (i.e. don't rename effective, don't add Timing)
- align assessor with the performer structure (i.e. role, actor, onBehalfOf) - can actor Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson)? or just Practitioner?
- add reasonCodeableConcept (need to determine value set binding)
- add reasonReference element
Resource QA Summary
TOP Priority
- AllergyIntolerance is clean on the QA report!
- Condition is clean on the QA report!
- Procedure is clean on the QA report!
HIGH Priority
- CareTeam - no QA warnings!
- CarePlan - no QA warnings!
- MnM approved exemptions requested for element names should be singular (addresses and replaces)
- Goal - no QA warnings!
- MnM approved exemption requested for element names should be singular (addresses)
- MnM approved exemption requested for Goal.target.detail because target detail is a choice of data types (i.e. Quantity and CodeableConcept could have different value sets) - Observation.value[x] does not show this same QA warning.
MEDIUM Priority
- Flag -- no QA warnings!
- FamilyMemberHistory -- no QA warnings!
- Stephen Chu's recommendation is to use LOINC 75272-5 Age at onset for the FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset
- Motion: Stephen/Elaine: 11-0-1
- Communication -- no QA warnings!
- CommunicationRequest -- no QA warnings!
- ReferralRequest -- no QA warnings!
LOW Priority
- ClinicalImpression -- keep as FMM = 0
- Stephen Chu will work on examples to cover all elements
- ClinicalImpression.action Search Parameter 'ClinicalImpression.action' had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the expression (ClinicalImpression.action)
- ClinicalImpression.previous Search Parameter 'ClinicalImpression.previous' had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the expression (ClinicalImpression.previous)
- PCWG: ClinicalImpression.code Need to provide a binding
- Stephen Chu will work on examples to cover all elements
- Linkage -- keep as FMM = 0
- PCWG: Linkage A resource must have an 'entered in error' status
- PCWG: Linkage All resources should have an identifier
- PCWG: Linkage.item Element has a todo associated with it (Make this 2..*.)
Adjourned at
Meeting Outcomes
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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