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MnM Minutes CC 20070615
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- Kathleen Connor
- Lee Coller
- Ioana Singureanu
- Lloyd McKenzie
- Rick Chesnik
- John Cooper
- Dale Nelson
- (Lloyd): Administrative topic: Dynamic Model - agenda
- (Lloyd): Hot Topics: Act Reference - postponed for next WGM because this topic requires input from INM.
Mottion to accept agenda: (No objections)
Administrative Topic: Dynamic Model Discussion
Desinging system behaviors is pervasive in HL7. We have a variety of constructs (Applications Roles, SOA Services, interactions) There was a general consensus that changing the identifier of an artifact should not be regarded as substantive. Some felt that a move to non-meaningful identifiers would be useful.
We need to include the needs:
- Support HDF processes
- SOA Services
- Ability to describe complex interactions, a variety of in, in/out, output parameters and return types.
Dynamic Model Agenda (Harmonization Meeting June 21-22, 2007)
The CBC form, as submitted is available on this Wiki and also at 20070119.pdf.
Minutes by Ioana Singureanu ioana13