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2017-01-25 Patient Care FHIR Call

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Meeting Information

Patient Care FHIR Resources Conference Call

Location: Conference Call
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 943377

Date: 2017-01-25
Time: 5-6pm ET
Facilitator Michelle M Miller Note taker(s) Michelle M Miller
Attendee Name Affiliation

X Elaine Ayres NIH/Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Stephen Chu The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA)
Evelyn Gallego EMI Advisors LLC
Eric Haas Haas Consulting
X Rob Hausam Hausam Consulting LLC
Laura Heermann-Langford Intermountain Healthcare
X Emma Jones Allscripts
Russ Leftwich InterSystems
Tony Little Optum 360
Jay Lyle Ockham Information Services LLC, VA
Russell McDonell Telstra Health
Lloyd McKenzie Gevity (HL7 Canada)
Larry McKnight Cerner
X Michelle M Miller Cerner
X Lisa Nelson Life Over Time Solutions
Viet Nguyen Lockheed Martin, Systems Made Simple
M'Lynda Owens Cognosante
Craig Parker Intermountain Healthcare
X Joe Quinn Optum
Simon Sum Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Iona Thraen Dept of Veterans Affairs
Serafina Versaggi Dept of Veterans Affairs
Quorum Requirements Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review
  2. FHIR QA Issue review

Supporting Information

STU 3 Timeline

From FHIR_Ballot_Prep

  • Sun. Feb. 5 Ballot reconciliation deadline - All ballot comments must be reconciled, tracker issue report must be clean
  • Sun. Feb. 19 Publication substantive resource freeze
  • Sun. Feb 26 Publication total freeze
  • Mon. Feb 27 QA period opens
  • Tue. Feb 28 FMM QA spreadsheet updated for all WG resources
  • Sun. Mar. 13 QA period closes
  • Sun. Mar. 20 All QA applied

The "following week" STU 3 is published!


STU3 Action Items

Defer Ballot Comments (vote on Thursday, Jan 26)

  • GF#7185 2015May core #244 - ClinicalImpression is poorly thought out (Clem McDonald) Waiting for Input
  • GF#10387 CommunicationRequest needs ability to describe the location that the communication is about (John Moehrke)
  • GF#10621 QA 4a: Consider whether CarePlan.activity.detail.category should be bound to an external code system (Michelle Miller)
  • GF#10622 QA 4a: Consider whether Goal.category should be bound to codes from an external code system (Michelle Miller)
  • GF#10623 QA: Goal CodeableConcept elements are missing a binding to a value set (Michelle Miller) -- QA WARNING!
  • GF#10635 QA 5a: Resource references exist in both directions for Condition and ClinicalImpression (Michelle Miller)
  • GF#11026 Relationship between Condition and Observation - 2016-09 core #45 (Jay Lyle)
  • GF#11209 Feedback on ClinicalImpression - 2016-09 core #363 (Riki Merrick)
  • GF#11355 CarePlan category value set is out of date or wrong - 2016-09 core #513 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11357 Re-use the procedure value set instead of wrapping it - 2016-09 core #515 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11358 Should not make a new value set ehre - use the Problem value set that also includes Events and SWEC concepts. - 2016-09 core #516 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11359 Why only one medication in an activity? And the value set is problematic (but example) - 2016-09 core #517 (Robert McClure)

TOP Priority -- AllergyIntolerance, Condition, and Procedure QA Warnings/Information (desire FMM = 3)

  • Condition is DONE!
  • Procedure
    • Emma Jones is helping with examples (part of, complication detail)
    • PCWG: (used by is missing definitions for the codes.
      • in-operating-room - In Operating Room - A patient is in the Operating Room.
      • prepared - Prepared - The patient is prepared for a procedure.
      • anesthesia-induced - Anesthesia Induced - The patient is under anesthesia.
      • opened-incision - Opened Incision - The patient has incision opened.
      • closed-incision - Closed Incision - The patient has incision closed.
      • in-recovery-room - In Recovery Room - The patient is in the recovery room.

MEDIUM Priority -- CareTeam, CarePlan, and Goal -- QA Warnings (desire FMM > 0 means we address all warnings)

  • CarePlan
    • Stephen Chu is helping with examples to cover all elements
    • MnM exemptions requested for element names should be singular (addresses and replaces)
    • PCWG: WARNING:CarePlan.partOf Element has a todo associated with it (Each care plan is an independent request, such that having a care plan be part of another care plan can cause issues with cascading statuses. As such, this element is still being discussed.)
  • Goal
    • MnM exemption requested for element names should be singular (addresses)
    • PCWG needs to address GF#10623
      •[x] Need to provide a binding
      • WARNING:Goal.outcomeCodeableConcept Need to provide a binding
      • WARNING:Goal.description Need to provide a binding
      • WARNING:Goal.outcomeCodeableConcept Element has a todo associated with it (Define a proper value set for this.)

MEDIUM Priority -- CareTeam, CarePlan, and Goal -- QA Information (desire FMM = 3 means we address all information)

  • CareTeam
    • RIM Mapping
  • Goal
    • RIM Mapping
    • Example - Goal/outcomeCodeableConcept Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
  • CarePlan
    • RIM Mapping
    • Examples
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/definition Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/quantity Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/reasonCode Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/reasonReference Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/reference Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/supportingInfo Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path

LOW Priority -- All other resources -- QA Warnings (desire FMM > 0 means we address all warnings)

  • ClinicalImpression
    • Stephen Chu will work on examples to cover all elements
    • PCWG: WARNING:ClinicalImpression.code Need to provide a binding
  • Communication & CommunicationRequest
    • PCWG: WARNING: category Need to provide a binding
    • PCWG: workflow could resolve GF#10293
      • WARNING: A resource must have an 'entered in error' status
      • WARNING:CommunicationRequest.subject Elements with name 'subject' cannot be a reference to just a patient
  • FamilyMemberHistory
    • PCWG: WARNING:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x] Element has a todo associated with it (Define/find appropriate observation code.)
  • ReferralRequest
    • PCWG: Bindings/Value Sets
      • WARNING:ReferralRequest.type Need to provide a binding
      • WARNING:ReferralRequest.reason Need to provide a binding
      • WARNING:pc:ValueSetComparison Duplicate Valueset Names: v2-0284 (v2 Referral Category) & referralcategory (ReferralCategory) (name: [referrals, categories] / [referrals, categories]))
      • WARNING:pc:ValueSetComparison Duplicate Valueset Names: v2-0283 (v2 Referral Status) & referralstatus (ReferralStatus) (name: [referrals, statuses] / [referrals, statuses]))
    • PCWG: WARNING:ReferralRequest.description Element has a todo associated with it (This would be a good candidate for a 'markdown' data type.)
  • Linkage
    • PCWG: WARNING:Linkage A resource must have an 'entered in error' status
    • PCWG: WARNING:Linkage All resources should have an identifier
    • PCWG: WARNING:Linkage.item Element has a todo associated with it (Make this 2..*.)

Block Vote (Thurs, Feb 2)

Non-ballot comments

  • GF#12585 Add invariant (Michelle Miller) Persuasive
  • GF#12645 CarePlan.activity.reference includes ProcessRequest (Dave Carlson) Persuasive
  • GF#12646 Add "careplan-title" extension (Dave Carlson) Persuasive with Mod
  • GF#12668 ClinFHIR: extension-condition-partof - add support for referencing Condition (Michelle Miller) Persuasive
  • GF#12669 Please add note element to careTeam (Emma Jones) Persuasive


Adjourned at <hh:mm am/pm> <timezone>.

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  1. Agenda review
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes
    • Motion: <moved>/<seconded> Abstain - <#>, Negative - <#>, Approve - <#>
  3. gForge change request

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