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November 2nd 2016 Education Telecon

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  • Brochure and Blurbs, outstanding San Antonio items
  • facilitator training
  • Progress on Spanish coursework, webinars and documentation
  • FHIR Certification
  • Vocabulary webinars progress update - Heather
  • Update on Physician and Clinician Standards training - Virginia/Anita
  • old projects
  • report from headquarters

Call to Order

  • Call info:

Wednesday, 4PM EDT Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 447895,Meeting ID 322-275-573

  • Meeting called to order at 4:08 pm EST
  • Attendees: Virginia Lorenzi, Melissa Mendivil, Sharon Kayne Chaplock, Mary Ann Boyle

Review prior minutes

  • Prior Meeting Minutes approved: Mary Ann moved to approve, Melissa seconded

Discussion items

  • Mary Anne: Blurbs and Brochure have gone to print, but need to work on May
  • Sharon: Heather Grain and Sharon recorded facilitator (including Vocabulary) training: completed and posted on website
  • Virginia: We should really highlight and advertise Facilitator training
  • Mary Ann: Update on WGM in Madrid preparations:
    • Progress on Spanish coursework - most coursework was already offered in Spain or Argentina, so not too many translations will be required.
    • New course: HL7 Standards in the University (will be offered in English)
    • Spanish Webinars status: Sharon will schedule with Fernando and Diego after the next WGM
  • FHIR certification update: Virginia will update PSS, and Sharon will remind the FHIR group of time constraints and list of references and competencies in test.
  • Update on Physician and Clinician Standards training - we will know more once we meet. Invitation forwarded to Mary Ann
  • Melissa has email out to Dave Hamill for clean up/archival of old WG Projects, and reached out to other project sponsors for status updates
  • Report from HQ: estimates for attendance are low
  • Education Portal accesses are good
  • Ed to Go: we will have a demo video soon

Action Items

  • Mary Ann to pull May WGM Grid together to send to Paco and co-chairs
  • Sharon to contact Melanie about advertising facilitator training by mid-December
  • Virginia to enter in Sharon's time estimates to FHIR Certification project from email
  • All: Give some thought and gather feedback as to what other webinars can we develop?
