2016-09-19 PA WGM Minutes
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Patient Administration Work Group Meeting - Monday September 19, 2016
Monday Q3
HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes Location: Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, Guest Room # 603 |
Date: 2016-09-19 Time: Monday Q3 | ||
Facilitator | Line Saele | Scribe | Alex de Leon |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
X | Line Saele | Helse Vest, Norway | |
X | Brian Postlethwaite | HealthConnex, Australia | |
X | Alexander de Leon | Kaiser Permanente, USA | |
X | Cooper Thompson | EPIC, USA | |
X | Adam Culbertson | HIMSS | |
X | Andrew Torres | Cerner, USA | |
X | Christian Hay | GS1 | |
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): yes |
Agenda Topics
- Welcome/Introductions
- Approve Agenda
- Review PA Mission & Charter
- Review PA Decision Making Practice
- Review PA 3-Year Work Plan
- Review SWOT
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
- Welcome/Introductions
The WG reviewed the agenda and the agenda was approved with the caveat that there may not be a 4th quarter on Thursday due to lack of co-chairs and WG participation.
The WG continued to review the Mission & Charter. Since there has been no change in the scope of work for PA, there were no changes to the Mission & Charter.
The WG then reviewed the DMP, noting that the only recent change has been for quorum + 2. This seems to be appropriate for this group.
The 3 year work plan was reviewed.
In looking at the FHIR work, it was noted that the project id in our 3 year work plan was incorrectly noted as 1123.. It should be 1102.
Action: Update the project to include Endpoint, Person, project end dates and to include STU3.
The update was made up to May 2017. Updates to the 3 year work plan were made accordingly to reflect work through January 2017 and Normative FHIR ballot reconciliation in September 2017 for most of the base PA resources (e.g. Patient Practitioner, Organization, relatedPerson, Encounter, Location BillableItem). The rest of the resources will be for review of comments.
Action: Clean up the Project Database. Owner: Line
Action: Items to update the 3 year Work Plan. Owner: Alex.
The WG continued to look at the SWOT analysis. Edits were made and updated.
The WG continued to try to cover items in Thursday’s Q4 agenda looking forward to not being able to meet that time.
FHIR Reconciliation has until Nov. 27 (7 weeks). Then 2 weeks of QA then it will go to publication. October 9 is the final date for tracker to be submitted and the committee may “defer” them (4 more weeks).
This week, we have GForge issues. 12 Negatives.
Total list is 85 items.
One item was on the Endpoint resource. Brian noted that quite a lot of work was done on this resource during this meeting Connectathon. It should be an easy thing for he WG to review and approve the resource during the meeting.
Brian moves to move addressing the draft agenda to Wed Q4 and cancelling Q4 on Thurs due to the fact that the WG has addressed the remaining agenda items in this Quarter. Alex seconded.
Vote (for/against/abstain): 6/0/0
End of Q3
Meeting Outcomes
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Owner: ?? Due: ?? |
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
Monday Q4
HL7 Patient Administration Meeting Minutes Location: Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, Room # 603 |
Date: 2015-05-11 Time: Monday Q4 | ||
Facilitator | Brian Postlethwaite | Scribe | Alex de Leon |
Attendee | Name | Affiliation | |
X | Line Saele | Helse Vest, Norway | |
X | Brian Postlethwaite | Health Connex, Australia | |
X | Alexander de Leon | Kaiser Permanente, USA | |
X | Cooper Thompson | EPIC, USA | |
X | Michelle Miller | Cerner, USA | |
X | Andrew Torres | Cerner, USA | |
X | Ken Rubin | VA, USA | |
X | Adam Culbertson | HIMSS | |
Quorum Requirements Met (Chair + 2 members): Yes |
Agenda Topics
- Ballot reconciliation FHIR STU3 (Scheduling Resources + SOA rep)
Supporting Documents
Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Ken Rubin from the SOA WG joined he PAWG. As the WG knows, the SOA WG prefers not to own projects but support work groups that might be involved in service oriented efforts. The SOAWG considered that the scheduling resources would be best handled by the PAWG. The two WGs agreed that PA would be the owner of the PSS for the scheduling service that would utilize the PA scheduling FHIR resources.
The draft for the PSS can be found at:
The co-chairs will assure that the news of this PSS will be coming to the Steering Division along with the PSS for STU3 at the steering division meeting tonight.
Wed Q4 SOA will cover the scheduling service in more detail.
Action: Alert the steering division of upcoming PSS approvals (STU3 for PA FHIR resources and Scheduling Service PSS). Owner: Alex
FHIR Reconciliation
FHIR tracker # 10392
This may fall into the workflow, but how does one represent a request for a follow-up appointment via FHIR? The appointment resource has a proposed status, but the start and end date is intended to represent the beginning and end of an appointment. The workflow is a provider may ask a patient to schedule a follow-up visit, and the patient would receive a reminder to schedule or confirm an appointment within a given time range.
I would suggest that the start and end date definition be changed to allow for a proposed begin range and a proposed end date to schedule an appointment.
The WG discussed this. The idea came up to add another element “requested” as a backbone element. Then the discussion went into the makeup of what is needed… for instance, was it a date/time range, or one time/date?
The WG discussed recurrence and how this might present problems when time zones are considered. After much discussion, the requested period would not include recurring appointments.
Brian will add the new property with date (time) ranges for the appointment as requested along with duration (in minutes).
RequestedPeriod is proposed with a cardinality of 0..*.
Andrew moved to accept the RequestedPeriod element as noted above. Michelle seconded.
Discussion: none
Vote (for/against/abstain): 5/0/1
- 9271
- 9451 Summary: add appointment-reference(appointment) standard extension
Request to add/document a standard extension (a reference to Appointment) on Appointment to document the relationships between appointments. E.g. an appointment to create a disgnostic image, and another appontment for a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to discuss the image.
After discussing it, the WG did not see a strong use case for creating a strong relationship between appointment. What was proposed was to resolve this through other indication (e.g. condition, etc.) which will be handled in another tracker item (#9191).
Line moves to disposition this as not persuasive. Andrew seconded.
Vote (for/against/abstain): 6/0/0
End of the quarter.
Meeting Outcomes
Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Owner: ???, Due: ??? |
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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