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August 10 2016 Education Telecon

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Call to Order

  • Call and Gotomeeting info:

Wednesday, 4PM EDT Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 447895

  • Attendees:
  • John Ritter
  • Melissa Mendivil
  • Virginia Lorenzi
  • Sharon Chaplock Kayne
  • Melanie Hilliard


The regular meeting of the Education Work Group was called to order at 4:07 pm EST on 8/10/16 in by Virginia Lorenzi The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed

Review prior minutes (2 sets)

John moved to accept minutes from previous two meetings, Melissa seconded.

New Webinar/Class/Education Ideas

No updates on the following topics as key participants not available:

  • Progress on Facilitator Training
  • Tutorials for Sept status/timing
  • Vocabulary Webinar: 3 part series, offer once per week in November
  • HL7 for Clinicians

Updates on the following topics:

  • Special topics on education (Virginia) - no guest speaker this week
    • Discussion regarding which tool to leverage to post these guest lectures for our group
  • Teaching for non English speakers - add this to "How to give HL7 Tutorial" agenda
    • Sharon: Add component to "How to give HL7 Tutorial" on adding cultural awareness

WGM Preparations

Education Time on other WG agendas (FHIR, Clinicians, Arden, other) Presentation at co-chair dinner?

  • Sharon: We'll be making a special announcement regarding a new app helping folks prepare for certification

Review of free track/blogging (Melissa) Slideshow for lunch

PSS for One Day Summit

  • Melissa and Virginia to discuss possible pilot PSS event, include Anita
  • Need Beta

Education Marketing Ideas (Melissa)

HL7 YouTube Channel John Ritter: YouTube HL7 Channel suggestion for outreach and also for coordination across WGs. Sharon suggested John contact Melanie Hilliard to explore this further. Melanie: we just added an icon for our youtube channel, and people can upload if they have rights. There would need to be some governance involved. Right now, LinkedIn is performing very well with outreach. Virginia: Education WG would be involved in "how to" for posting, content, etc.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:06 EST by Virginia Lorenzi . The next general meeting will be at 4:00 pm EST on 8/24/16.

Minutes submitted by: Melissa Mendivil