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Negation Outreach

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 19:14, 9 August 2016 by Jlyle (talk | contribs)
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Group Relevance Assigned Status
Attachments HL7 WG ?
Anatomic Pathology HL7 WG Analysis
Anesthesia HL7 WG Analysis
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group HL7 WG Analysis
Child Health HL7 WG Analysis
Clinical Genomics HL7 WG Analysis
Clinical Interoperability Council HL7 WG Analysis Jay Lyle
Community Based Collaborative Care HL7 WG Analysis Serafina Versaggi
Emergency Care HL7 WG Analysis
Financial Management HL7 WG Analysis
Health Care Devices HL7 WG Analysis
Imaging Integration HL7 WG Analysis
Learning Health Systems HL7 WG Analysis
Mobile Health HL7 WG Analysis
Orders and Observations HL7 WG Analysis Rob Hausam
Patient Administration HL7 WG Analysis
Patient Care HL7 WG Analysis Jay Lyle rq 7/7
Pharmacy HL7 WG Analysis
Public Health and Emergency Response HL7 WG Analysis
Regulated Clinical Research Information Management HL7 WG Analysis
Security HL7 WG Analysis Serafina Versaggi
Application Implementation and Design HL7 WG Design
Arden Syntax HL7 WG Design
Clinical Decision Support HL7 WG Design Richard Esmond
Clinical Information Modeling Initiative HL7 WG Design Jay Lyle rq 7/7
Clinical Quality Information HL7 WG Design Richard Esmond
Clinical Statement HL7 WG Design
Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing HL7 WG Design
Electronic Health Records HL7 WG Design
FHIR Management Group HL7 WG Design Jay Lyle
Healthcare Standards Integration HL7 WG Design
Implementable Technology Specifications HL7 WG Design
Infrastructure and Messaging HL7 WG Design
Modeling and Methodology HL7 WG Design
Services Oriented Architecture HL7 WG Design
Structured Documents HL7 WG Design Lisa Nelson
Technical Steering Committee Design
Templates HL7 WG Design
Terminology Authority Design
Vocabulary HL7 WG Design Rob Hausam
Affiliate Due Diligence HL7 WG No
Architectural Review HL7 WG No
Board Motions HL7 WG No
Domain Experts Steering Division No
Education HL7 WG No
Electronic Services and Tools HL7 WG No
FHIR Governance Board No
FHIR Infrastructure HL7 WG No
Foundation and Technology Steering Division No
Governance and Operations HL7 WG No
HL7 Foundation Task Force / Advisory Council No
HL7 Membership and Strategic Resources Committee No
International Council No
International Mentoring Committee No
Nomination Committee No
Policy Advisory Committee No
Process Improvement HL7 WG No
Project Services HL7 WG No
Publishing HL7 WG No
Recognition and Awards HL7 WG No
Standards Goverance Board No
Structure and Semantic Design Steering Division No
Technical and Support Services Steering Division No
US Realm Steering Committee No

WG request

  • The Negation project team is trying to provide consistent guidelines for representing concepts typically described as "negation" (finding absent, procedure not done, etc.).
  • We have begun by assembling a catalog of statements that seem to use negation. Our goal is to collect as many as possible and then classify them in order to derive a finite set of negation patterns. These patterns can be used for two things: to inform some best practice guidance on representing negated statements, and to provide design teams with a way to test their formalisms against a catalog of potential requirements.
  • We would very much like for the <WG name> workgroup to review our list of requirements.
  • We are asking domain expert groups for either confirmation that our list addresses all of the real world negation requirements you would expect a design formalism to support or, if it doesn't, additional requirements.
  • We are asking design groups for input on how such a list can be made more useful to a design team, either by confirming that the semantic pattern and design mapping approaches look useful or, if they don't, suggestions for improvement.
  • Further information about the scope of the project is available on the wiki; we also would be happy to attend a call to answer any questions.
  • Would <WG name> be able to appoint a representative to conduct such a review and provide feedback to our team? Feedback can be sent directly to me or added to the Use Case spreadsheet on the wiki.
  • We'd like your feedback by the end of August, and will discuss in Baltimore Tuesday Q4.
  • The project wiki is at