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2016-07-12 PA Call Minutes

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Patient Administration Call

Meeting Information

PA Work Group Conference Call

Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 986210
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Meeting Information

PA Work Group Conference Call

Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 986210
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Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Time: 12:00 PM (US Pacific Time, GMT -7)
Quorum Met (Chair+2, Yes/No)? Yes

Facilitator Irma Jongeneel Scribe Brian Postlethwaite
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Irma Jongeneel HL7 The Netherlands
X Brian Postlethwaite Telstra Health, Australia
X Cooper Thompson EPIC, USA
X Kevin Paprocki EPIC, USA


Agenda Topics

  1. V2 mapping (8843) needs further review
  2. Tracker Items

Supporting Documents


9186 Update description for dischargeDisposition
Group: Not Persuasive Brian/Kevin 3-0-0

9277 The date/time when a decision is made by a service provider about the patient's disposition
Group: This appears to be more like an extension at this point.
Not Persuasive Brian Postlethwaite/Kevin Paprocki: 3-0-0

9234 Add responsibility for payment in Encounter
Group: Also associated with 7881 (which also needs completion)
Persuasive Brian Postlethwaite/Cooper Thompson: 3-0-0

10017: Location describing a ward or POC doesn't have a good match in the Location.physicalType ValueSet
Persuasive Brian Postlethwaite/Kevin Paprocki: 3-0-0

8621 Encounter priority value set - use V3 ActPriority code system
Persuasive with Mod Brian Postelthwaite/Kevin Paprocki: 3-0-0

9600 Address.use valueSet binding concerns
Not Persuasive Brian Postlethwaite/Kevin Paprocki: 3-0-0

9234 Add responsibility for payment in Encounter

Didn’t get to these ones
4873, 10235, 9226, 10043, 9893, 9242, 9699, 9739, 9268, 9278, 9277, 9186

Meeting Outcomes

  1. None
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Next telecom meeting: 07-19-2016


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