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Conference call minutes 12 July 2016
Revision as of 07:55, 13 July 2016 by Michael tan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Health Concern Topic= '''Patient Care WG''' '''July 12th 2016''' ==Attendees:== *Michael Tan – Chair/ Scribe *David Pyke *Hank Mayers '''Participation Information''' Phon...")
Health Concern Topic
Patient Care WG
July 12th 2016
- Michael Tan – Chair/ Scribe
- David Pyke
- Hank Mayers
Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377
Web Meeting Info Meeting number 231 951 456
- Ballot comment 137: Jay has sent a spreadsheet in which has compared the names of attributes in the model and the definitions in the document.
- The names attached to Health Concern model were in line with the explanation in the document.
- The names attached to Health Concern Event have to be modified:
- Attribute description has to be removed from the document part.
- Time is called Event time in the document and Clinical Time in the model. Suggestion to change name in model to Event time approved.
Action items
- comment lines 11, 95 and 137 have to be adjusted (action Jay Lyle).
- The ballot comment spreadsheet has to uploaded and a request has to be sent to the commenters to withdraw the negative vote ( Action Michael Tan).
- Final review of the DAM document ( action All).
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