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June 21, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Johnathan, Suzanne, Beth, Darrell Woelk (; Dave Pyke, David Staggs, Glen, Grahame, Ioana, Jim, JohnM, Kathleen,KenS; Lisa Nelson, Neelima, Vladimir Olenin; Patrick Loyd (; Diana; rob Horn; Suzanne, Lee
Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair x Mike Davis x John Moehrke Security Co-Chair
x Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair Ken Salyards Lori Simon
Mohammed Jafari x Rick Grow . Harry Rhodes
x Serafina Versaggi x Ioana Singureanu x Glen Marshall
. Steve Eichner Neelima Chennamaraja . Mike Lardiere
Beth Pumo x M'Lynda Owens x Lee Wise
Paul Knapp . Matt Peeling Brian Newton
Oliver Lawless Lisa Nelson . Amanda Nash
Russell McDonell Susan Litton David Bergman
. Linda Bailey-Woods Debbie Bucci Paul Knapp
Keith Boone Lori McNeil Tolley Duane DeCouteau
David Pyke Rob Horn Gary Dickinson
William Kinsley x Ken Sinn

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from June 14, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
  1. (05 min) CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Privacy Consent Directives R1 (PID 553) Publication update
  2. (05 min) Behavioral Health Data Exchange CrossParadigm IG: Project 800) - update (Ioana)
  3. (05 min) Standards Privacy Impact Assessment (SPIA) Cookbook - update (Rick)
  4. (05 min) FHIR Consent - John
  5. Grahame FHIR consent model review:
  6. (15 min) PASS Audit Service Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
  7. (05 min) PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Meeting chaired by Johnathan/Jim

Roll Call, Approve Agenda, Approve Meeting Minutes from June 14, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

Approve: x; Abstain: x ; Object: x

CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Privacy Consent Directives R1 (PID 553) - Publication update

The only folks who have withdrawn their negative are from Regenstrief. Ioana plans to submit the request for publication with remaining negatives from Austin Kreisler, Vassil Peytchev and Lisa Nelson.

Behavioral Health Data Exchange CrossParadigm IG: Project 800 - update

Ioana sent out a request to the WGs for co-sponsorship as well as the U.S. Realm Steering Committee for its approval.

Standards Privacy Impact Assessment (SPIA) Cookbook

8 PSS approved by the DESD (per Melva Peters

FHIR Consent

From last week: FMG (primarily Lloyd and Grahame) asked questions for clarity around the difference between the proposed Tracker and the previous work. As a result, there is a request for Kathleen to clarify that. It will be on the FHIR Consent agenda for this week.

PASS Audit Service Conceptual Model

Doodle Poll results? PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model

Diana is about 60% done with updating the document based on the comments. She is hoping to finish the updates by next week so that she can submit the updated document to Bernd and have him withdraw his negative, and then move forward with a request for publication.

|- || || William Kinsley ||||x|| Ken Sinn ||| x||| [mailto: David Staggs]

Graham Consent model

Please register your comments on the wiki page so that we can work through them incrementally.

there are distinct types of consent that would like to be represented Link: [http://hl7-fhir.git did not change the scope on privacy consent

Made a change based on what FMG discussed

  • consent
  • not sharing th epatient's whole consent
    • in this the resource designed; there seems to be the master; you can reference an electronic document, PDF document etc., and those would chain back to the source. you can be very specific about the consent and then refer back to the source--although you may not be authorized to do that.
  • this does not happen in every instance; and may-or-may-not be used in evry instance.
    • (I) in your mind if you can estanciate your resource-this is how you can evaluate on how complete it is.
    • (K) there is some discussion early on; that there is similar structures that contain a lot of the same information. there is an issue on whethere we can incorporate a lot of consent type resource and include in this baseline consent. This is where we were on the FMG call and had been discussed in FHIR consent directive meeting.s
    • this resource... indexing

review of the resource

there were proposed additional status codes; but conflation of the motion of the status of the consent and process of the consent--Grahame went with the status that was consistent with the rest of the codes. Wanted to keep it

Note issue: Ambiguous (parking lot) need clarification on why there is classifying in a generic way

Binding in the opt-in/opt-out; Who would be the author? The signer of the document? a Proxy? (who drafted the consent statement...?)

  • a person who ultimately made the choice (not who has to act on the conset) ; its the ind or the proxy whomade the choice to opt in or opt out;
  • there was not a comprehensive signature ____
    • or provenance of policy
    • those were left exposed

Actor (placeholder) - may update the name choice - Grahame used what was consistent with other FHIR sites

Per Grahame: Please read examples; this is critical--it will assist in clarification of question details

two perspective on labels

  • I consent to share certain kind of labels i.e. confidentiality *or* I do not consent to share certain type of labels
  • consent to share all 'research labels' or not to share
    • we can subset the security lables, but are ... to that information that is tagged
    • this may be a way to segregate the items you are trying to disclose