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Conference call minutes 21 June 2016
Health Concern Topic
Patient Care WG
June 21st 2016
- Michael Tan – Chair/ Scribe
- David Pyke
- Jay Lyle
Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377
Web Meeting Info Meeting number 231 951 456
- Comment line 95: The problem with the enumeration list has been explained once more. The enumeration list of "merge, splits and supersede" which we now call ConcernLineageKind belongs to the relationships between concerns. That is actually the box that is now called Concernrelationship. This box should actually be called ConcernLineage. The e-numeration that is now called concernrelationshipkind should actually belong to HealthEventrelationshipkind. This relationshipbox has disappeared since the last ballot in October.
- Comment line 11: This action has to be carried out by Jay because it refers to the diagram.
- Comment line 33: The commenter is not right and the instruction is meant for the commenter.
- Comment line 74: This action has been done.
- Comment line 137: The name status and local name belong to the concern level. The name clinical status are attached on concern event level. The separate names are deliberately different ( on concern en concern event level). However Jay will check for any inconsistency between diagram and text.
- Comment line 139: We chose Expresser as the correct spelling.
Action items
- comment lines 11, 95 and 137 have to be adjusted (action Jay Lyle).
- The ballot comment spreadsheet has to uploaded and a request has to be sent to the commenters to withdraw the negative vote ( Action Michael Tan).
- Final review of the DAM document ( action All).
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