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Project team NI2016:20160405 minutes
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HIMSS Interoperability Showcase at NI2016 BiWeekly Meeting April 5th, 2016
Call Recording:
Current Status
- We are currently 11 weeks out from NI2016 conference
- Use cases developed
- Prospectus available
- Marketing- IHE partners, Interoperability communities, International HIMSS outlets and all participants of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase. Any leads we have gained have been shared with the NI2016 Committee.
Current Status of Participants:
- Patrick report
- Difficult to have final answer
- 6 or 7 of them will participate but not the final approval- need to wait until the end of April to know who will be in the showcase
- Verbal confirmation: Solid, Start up from a University, Nurse Institute in Berlin Germany
- IBM is considering, French company considering
- TS1: no contact with Patrick, William will ask again
- Patrick- reducing the conference center costs as much as possible
- Vendors will bring own materials to kiosk
- Patrick is preparing the paper program end of April for printing
- William- What do these vendors want to demonstrate
- Patrick, not sure yet, He will reach out next week to clarify and get confirmations
- New prospectus with areas of interest listed
Use Case:
- Use Case Information
Other Business
- 19th April- Call to be moved to 3pm EDT due to conflicts with scheduling.
- 3rd of May- William will not attend this meeting